Record Details

NHER Number:42850
Type of record:Monument
Name:Great Walsingham and Wighton Roman town


An enormous scatter of Roman material found at several sites across the Walsingham and Wighton parishes indicates that this was the site of a Roman town. Objects predominantly date to the 2nd to 4th century indicating when the town was in use. Several different areas can be identified within the town including a temple site (NHER 2024) and a late Roman enclosure (NHER 1113). The town included substantial buildings and was located immediately south of where a Roman road (NHER 2050 and NHER 2087) crossed the river.

Images - none


Grid Reference:Not displayed
Map Sheet:TF93NW

Full description

February 1985.
NHER 1113, NHER 2015, NHER 2041, NHER 2024, NHER 3980, NHER 10141, NHER 17543, NHER 19795 and NHER 21106 together make up a major scatter, with concentrations of Roman material, predominantly of 2nd to 4th century dates, including a possible temple site in NHER 2024, and the late/sub Roman enclosure in NHER 1113. NHER 12617 would then be an outlier, or dumped material. Note the proximity of human skeletal remains (NHER 2043), an Early Saxon cemetery (NHER 2030) and the Roman road (NHER 2050 and NHER 2087). This makes good sense as a small town with substantial buildings, immediately south of the spot where the Roman road crosses the river, centring on the tributary stream, and covering an area of about 1400m by 400m.
T. Gregory (NAU), 6 February 1985.

January 2013. Condition of Scheduled Monument in Cultivation Risk assessment.
See (S1).
D. Robertson (HES), 7 November 2013.

Monument Types

  • TOWN (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status


Sources and further reading

---Map: Finder's Map..
---Unpublished Document: Gregory, T.. 1985. Great Walsingham/Wighton ?Roman Town?. 6 February.
---Secondary File: Secondary File.
<S1>Unpublished Document: Robertson, D.A.. Cosmic Risk Assessment Wighton-Walsingham Roman Town(HER 42850).

Related records

2024Part of: Great Walsingham Roman temple site (Monument)
2015Part of: Iron Age, Roman, Early Saxon, medieval and post-medieval finds (Find Spot)
17543Part of: Multi-period finds including a concentration of Roman material (Find Spot)
2041Part of: Possible Roman road and undated well (Monument)
21106Part of: Roman buildings and multi-period finds (Monument)
19795Part of: Roman coins, pottery and medieval pot found in field behind foundry (Find Spot)
10141Part of: Roman pottery sherds and slag (Find Spot)
3980Part of: Site of Roman bath house, metal working area and buildings and multi-period finds (Monument)
1113Part of: Wighton Camp (Monument)

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