Record Details

NHER Number:40613
Type of record:Building
Name:Nos. 3 to 6 Chapel Hill


These 17th century timber framed rendered cottages with pantile roofs replace a single house that was here around 1563. The cottages were built as single and two celled buildings and most had 1st floors and chimneys inserted at a later date. The earliest is No. 3 and the latest is No. 6. It is possible the row was built to let, perhaps as small shops or workshops, in stages as need demanded. They were restored in the 1980s.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TM 08652 90470
Map Sheet:TM09SE

Full description

RCHM survey (1974) describes these as 17th century cottages with 19th century additions. In 1980 restoration work revealed a timber doorway at south end façade of No.3 with spandrels inside the lintel making a rounded head. Possibly 16th century but could be 17th. First noted by P. Wade-Martins (NAU). (S1) dates the houses to 1615 to 1635.
(S2) records two worked stones being found under the floor by the pantry door in No.5.
See description in file.
E. Rose (NAU), 27 October 1980.

July 1973. Listed, Grade II.
Houses. 1615 - 1635. Timber framed with rendered wattle and daub infill and pantiled gabled roofs. 3 southern houses one storey and dormer attics, northern 2 2-storeys. Most external detailing of 1970's and early 1980's but several replaced mullion windows survive. 1 sloping dormer to each of 3 south houses containing C20 casements. Roofs with ridge stacks.
Information from (S1).

December 1999. Field observation during construction of extension to rear of No. 2.

See notes in file.
A. Rogerson (NLA), December 1999.

May 2002. Building survey. No. 6.
Dates from the early 17th century. Part of a rather larger property including the house next door. It may have been a shop.
See (S3).

November 2002. Building survey. No. 5.
A single cell dwelling with a 1st floor and chimney from the beginning. Present floor is a later insertion and it may be that the present chimney is a rebuild when the house was updated in the early 17th century with the addition of a parlour end now no. 6.
See report (S4) in file.
A. Cattermole (NLA), 15th July 2004.

Previously NHER 9200 context 14.

(S5) records as Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 Chapel Hill.
Before about 1563 there seems to have been one house here. It is not identified in the landgable list of 1542 and it is possible that the western edge of the town, facing the castle park, was not built up until the mid 16th century. The northen end (No. 6) was sold off around 1563. The rest was bought by Thomas Gibson, bookbinder, in 1574. It was subdivided in 1601 to 1602. This may date the insertion of floors and other modifications.
See (S5).
M. Dennis (NLA), 11 May 2006.

NHBG Survey of Nos. 1 to 6 Chapel Hill.
Nos. 1 and 2.
Two halves of a house fronted with brick under a pantiled roof.
Appears to have originated in the early 16th century as an open hall with a pair of service rooms which may originally have been floored for storage of large items and accessed by a ladder. In the later 16th century or early 17th century a new parlour end (no. 1) was built with its associated chimney and a floor was inserted in the open hall. The south section of the wallplate was replaced at the beginning of the 17th century and a dormer window inserted. In the early 18th century the roof was raised. The house was fronted in brick in the 19th century.
No. 3.
Part of the north/south row of rendered and pantile roofed houses that were restored in the 1980s.
Built in the same style as No. 2; an open hall and floored double service rooms, probably in the early 16th century. There is no first floor partition. No. 2 may have been complete when No.3 was built. It is possible the row was built to let perhaps as small shops or workshops in stages as need demanded. In the 16th or 17th century the hall was floored and a staircase inserted. The chimney may have been updated at the same time.
Nos. 4 and 5.
No. 4 is the middle of a south-north row of rendered one and a hlaf storey houses restored in the 1980s reusing old timbers. All roofs have pantiles.
These are a problem as so much of the original structure has been removed. No. 4 is shorter than the two cell buildings (Nos. 2 and 3) and may always have been a single cell. The present chimney is porbably an insertion. No. 5 has enough length to be a two cell house like Nos. 1 and 2. it is possible that Nos. 4 and 5 were built as a single tripartite house of parlour, hall and service or that No. 4 was a single cell house and No. 5 a two bay hall and service room. No. 4 was built later than No. 3 with its own complete end frame. The chimney stack is a later rebuild or insertion between Nos. 4 and 5. The wallplates were continuous.
No. 6.
North end house of a row of post medieval houses. The cross wing range may be a very recent addition.
This house seems to date to the early 17th century. We cannot say whether No. 6 is a rebuilt or added parlour end to No. 5 or built as a separate unit. The window and door positions in the front wall suggest it may have been a shop. The 1st floor that was open to the roof seems to have had no windows unlesss there were original dormers.
See (S5).
M. Dennis (NLA), 11 May 2006.

Monument Types

  • TIMBER FRAMED HOUSE (Medieval to 19th Century - 1066 AD? to 1900 AD)

Associated Finds

  • ARCHITECTURAL FRAGMENT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)

Protected Status

  • Listed Building

Sources and further reading

---Illustration: Various. Various. Architectural plans.
---Photograph: Rose, E.. 1980. BPS 19.
---Unpublished Document: RCHME. 1974. Chapel Hill Cottages, New Buckenham.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 1975. Bureaucratic mess claim by cottages owner. 5 February.
---Monograph: Pevsner, N and Wilson, W. 1999. Norfolk 2: North-West and South. The Buildings of England. 2nd Edition. p 562.
---Secondary File: Secondary File.
<S1>Designation: Historic England. National Heritage List for England. List Entry 1169174.
<S2>Map: NCM. NCM Record Map.
<S3>Unpublished Document: Brown, S. & Brown, M.. 2002. 6 Chapel Hill - New Buckenham, Norfolk. 15th May.
<S4>Unpublished Document: Brown, S. & Brown, M.. 2002. 5 Chapel Hill - New Buckenham, Norfolk. 8th November.
<S5>Monograph: Longcroft, A (ed.). 2005. The Historic Buildings of New Buckenham. Journal of the Norfolk Historic Buildings Group. Vol 2. pp 114-121.

Related records

9200Part of: New Buckenham, a medieval planned town (Monument)
40614Related to: Eastview (No. 1) and No. 2, Chapel Hill (Building)
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