Record Details

NHER Number:61484
Type of record:Landscape
Name:Large dispersed Bronze Age barrow cemetery landscape


This area contains numerous prehistoric barrows which forms a dispersed funerary landscape. This includes several clusters of Bronze Age round barrows, which form distinct cemetery groups of barrows. Cemetery groups NHER 61535, NHER 61495, NHER 61495, NHER 62104 and NHER 61498 are located within the western part of Weeting and Hockwold parishes whilst cemetery group NHER 61986 is located within the eastern part of Weeting parish. Also within this area are examples of more dispersed and isolated barrows such as NHER 61975, NHER 33316, and NHER 49735.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TL 7767 9012
Map Sheet:TL79SE

Full description

October 2016. 'Brecks from Above' and Breckland National Mapping Programme.
This area contains numerous prehistoric barrows which form a dispersed funerary landscape. This includes several clusters of Bronze Age round barrows which form distinct cemetery groups of barrows. Cemetery groups NHER 61535, NHER 61495, NHER 61495, NHER 62104 and NHER 61498 are located within the western part of Weeting and Hockwold parishes whilst cemetery group NHER 61986 is located within the eastern part of Weeting parish. Also within this area are examples of more dispersed and isolated barrows, for example NHER 61975, NHER 33316, and NHER 49735.
S. Horlock (Norfolk Historic Environment Service), 10 October 2016.

Monument Types

  • BARROW CEMETERY (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status - none

Sources - none

Related records

62104Parent of: Barrow cemetery (Monument)
61986Parent of: Bronze Age round barrow cemetery (Monument)
33704Parent of: Cropmark of a probable Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
32249Parent of: Cropmarks of possible Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
61527Parent of: Earthworks of a mound, possibly a round barrow (Monument)
33315Parent of: Earthworks ofa possible damaged round barrow (Monument)
61570Parent of: Former earthworks of mounds of uncertain archaeological date and significance (Monument)
5616Parent of: Pepper Hill Bronze Age Bowl Barrow (Monument)
33316Parent of: Possible Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
62026Parent of: Possible earthworks of a Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
62097Parent of: Possible earthworks of a Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
62105Parent of: Possible mound of uncertain date and significance (Monument)
61988Parent of: Possible mound of uncertain date and significance (Monument)
62028Parent of: Possible mound of uncertain date and significance (Monument)
62089Parent of: Possible mound of uncertain date and significance (Monument)
61989Parent of: Possible mound of uncertain date and significance (Monument)
49735Parent of: Probable Bronze Age barrow (Monument)
51536Parent of: Probable Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
61494Parent of: Soilmarks of two possible Bronze Age round barrows (Monument)
61975Parent of: The earthworks of a possible Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
61574Parent of: The earthworks of a possible Neolithic or Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
61495Parent of: The site of a Bronze Age round barrow cemetery (Monument)
61515Parent of: The site of a Bronze Age round barrow cemetery (Monument)
61535Parent of: The site of a Neolithic and/or Bronze Age barrow cemetery (Monument)
61498Parent of: The site of a possible Bronze Age round barrow cemetery (Landscape)
4995Parent of: Two Hills Bronze Age barrows, Mount Ephraim (Revoked)
15525Parent of: Wafes Howe Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
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