Record Details

NHER Number:53222
Type of record:Monument
Name:Earthworks of major medieval to post medieval boundaries and hollow ways


The earthworks of a major medieval to post medieval boundaries and hollow way are visible on aerial photographs possibly forming the boundary between Bixley Hall parkland and Poringland Heath. Some of these features are likely to relate to earthworks identified on the ground and recorded under NHER 37133. The main component of the site is a boundary that appears to mark the edge of the Bixley Hall Park and also the line of a road running along the parish boundary towards Old Manor Farm (NHER 12971) as marked on Faden’s map of 1797.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TG 2643 0359
Map Sheet:TG20SE

Full description

Some of these earthworks were previously recorded under NHER 37133.

November 2009. Norfolk NMP.
The earthworks of a major medieval to post medieval boundaries and a hollow way are visible on aerial photographs possibly forming the boundary between Bixley Hall parkland and Poringland Heath (S1-S3). The site is centred on TG 2645 0358. The main component of the site is a boundary that appears to mark the edge of Bixley Hall Park and also the line of a road running along the parish boundary towards Old Manor Farm (NHER 12971) as marked on Faden’s map of 1797.
Earthworks within Poringland Wood have previously been noted (NHER 37133) and it is probable that the hollow ways referred to within the western part of the wood as running off to the south and the southeast (see secondary file for NHER 37133) are the earthwork hollow ways mapped in the area of TG 2626 0345. As suggested in the original record it is possible that the hollow way running due south is part of the former route of the Norwich to Bungay road, see record NHER 9661 for details. The hollow way or boundary ditch running broadly NW-SE appears to mark the Framingham Earl/Framingham Pigot parish boundary.
The main component of this site is the curving multiple bank and ditch that runs along the Bixley and Framingham Pigot parish boundary. The earthworks are only clearly visible in 1956 (S2), due to relatively low tree growth (this area was only replanted in 1953 - see secondary file for NHER 37133). At the eastern end the boundary and/or road would appear to consist of two main ditches, up to 3m across, and three banks (one central and two outer) measuring 2m to 3.5m across. This boundary appears to mark the edge of the Bixley Hall Park and also the line of a road running along the parish boundary towards Old Manor Farm (NHER 12971) as marked on Faden’s map of 1797 (S4). At TG 2659 0368 a large trench or causeway has been cut across the multiple bank and ditch boundary and/or road. The date of this excavation is not known. It is feasible that it dates to the replanting of the wood in 1953, although the earthworks would be expected to be fresher if this was the case. An alternative explanation is that it relates to military activity within the woods, but the feature cannot be seen on the 1940s aerial photographs. This may be due to trees obscuring the earthworks, but if major World War Two activity and landscaping had recently taken place then it would be normal for this to be apparent even with a degree of tree coverage.
S. Horlock (NMP), 05 November 2009.

Monument Types

  • BANK (EARTHWORK) (Medieval to 19th Century - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
  • BOUNDARY BANK (Medieval to 19th Century - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
  • BOUNDARY DITCH (Medieval to 19th Century - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
  • DITCH (Medieval to 19th Century - 1066 AD? to 1900 AD?)
  • ROAD? (Medieval to 19th Century - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
  • TRENCH? (Post Medieval - 1540 AD? to 1900 AD?)
  • TRENCH (World War One to World War Two - 1914 AD? to 1945 AD?)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status


Sources and further reading

<S1>Vertical Aerial Photograph: RAF. 1946. RAF 3G/TUD/UK/70 5305-6 28-FEB-1946 (NMR).
<S2>Vertical Aerial Photograph: RAF. 1956. RAF 540/1778 (F21) 0081-2 16-JAN-1956 (NMR).
<S3>Vertical Aerial Photograph: Meridian Airmaps Limited. 1965. MAL/65101 091-2 30-DEC-1965 (NMR).
<S4>Publication: Faden, W. and Barringer, J. C. 1989. Faden's Map of Norfolk in 1797.

Related records

37133Part of: Poringland Wood (Monument)
9661Related to: Route of medieval and post medieval road (Monument)
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