Record Details

NHER Number:51831
Type of record:Monument
Name:Lammas Meadow


The Lammas Meadow is an island between the rivers Thet and Little Ouse which first appears on an 1807 town map. Its name indicates that it was formerly used as common pasture from July to Lammastide in February. In the 19th century the edges of both rivers were planted, with a broader belt of woodland along the east and southeast, and it appears to have become a private garden. It would also have formed part of the setting of Spring Walks (NHER 33717), the ornamental gardens attached to the Thetford Spa (NHER 30142). By 1885 planting along the Little Ouse had been reduced, and a rectangular enclosure which may habe been a small formal garden was depicted on Ordnance Survey maps. In the early 20th century this land was under the same ownership as a piece of land on the south side of the Little Ouse formerly known as The Planes (between St Mary's and the Court House), and it is therefore likely that Lammas Meadow formed an island garden for the main house from the later 19th century.
A site visit in 1996 or 1997 during the Norfolk Town Gardens Survey noted that the majority of existing planting along the River Thet is 20th century in origin and the southern are is largely open. The Lammas Meadow is now continuous with the former Butten island to the north and the grounds are maintained as a public garden.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TL 86976 82892
Map Sheet:TL88SE

Full description

Lammas Meadow
The Lammas Meadow first appears on Burrel's 1807 town map (S2) as an island between the rivers Thet and Little Ouse. Its name indicates that it was formerly used as common pasture from July to Lammastide in February. By 1837 the edges of both rivers were planted, with a broader belt of woodland along the east and southeast. In 1846, the land appears to have been in private ownership, the open ground cultivated as pasture, and a small building was present in the northwest corner. By 1885 planting along the Little Ouse had been reduced, and a rectangular enclosure was depicted, possibly a small formal garden. In the early 20th century this land was under the same ownership as s piece of land on the south side of the Little Ouse formerly known as The Planes (between St Mary's and the Court House), and it is therefore likely that Lammas Meadow formed an island garden for the main house from the later 19th century.
The Lammas Meadow is now continuous with the former Butten island to the north.
See (S1) for further details.
H. Hamilton (NLA), 14 October 2008.

1996 or 1997. Field Observation.
A site visit during the Town Gardens Survey noted that the majority of existing planting along the River Thet is 20th century in origin and the southern are is largely open. There was no trace of the small building once located in the northwest corner or the rectangular enclosure depicted on the 1885 map. The grounds are maintained as a public garden.
See (S1) for further details.
H. Hamilton (NLA), 14 October 2008.

Monument Types

  • COMMON LAND (16th Century to 18th Century - 1540 AD? to 1800 AD?)
  • GARDEN (18th Century to 21st Century - 1800 AD to 2100 AD)
  • FORMAL GARDEN? (19th Century to Early 20th Century - 1885 AD to 1925 AD?)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

---Unpublished Document: Taigel, A. 1997. Norfolk Gardens Trust: Town Gardens Survey - Volume Two.
<S2>Map: Burrell, G. B.. 1807. Map of Thetford.

Related records

33717Related to: Spring Walks (Monument)
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