Record Details

NHER Number:4992
Type of record:Monument
Name:Bronze Age round barrow in Lynroad Covert


A Bronze Age round barrow that survives as an earthwork mound, ditch and bank, within a plantation. The barrow is close to three other Bronze Age barrows identified in the area (NHER 33455, NHER 33456, and NHER 33457), plus two newly identified possible mounds (NHER 61496 and NHER 61497), which form form a small barrow cemetery (NHER 61495). The cemetery itself is located in close proximity to numerous other barrows, forming a dispersed cemetery landscape group (NHER 61484) in this area.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TL 7589 9106
Map Sheet:TL79SE

Full description

Mound. Round barrow?
About 30m (100 feet) diameter and 1.2m (4 feet) high.
Planted with beech trees. No trace of ditch. Almost on Methwold boundary.
This is unmarked on (S1).
It may be a barrow but this is not certain.
Seen by R.R. Clarke (NCM) April 21 1962.

Looks like a low barrow, 35m diameter, 1.4m high.
Covered with trees.
A.J. Lawson (NAU) 7 August 1976.

October 1977. Scheduled.
The monument includes a bowl barrow standing on a gentle south east facing slope within 20m of the parish boundary between Hockwold cum Wilton and Methwold, towards the western side of the Breckland region and the fen edge.
The barrow is visible as an earthen mound earthen mound encircled by a ditch and has an overall diameter of c.41m. The mound stands to a height of c.0.8m and covers a circular area c.29m in diameter. The surrounding ditch, from which earth has been quarried during construction of the barrow, has become largely infilled but survives as a buried feature, marked by a slight depression c.6m wide and c.0.2m deep in the ground surface.
Scheduling description:
Information from (S2).
H. Mellor (HES), 5 July 2018.

July 1988. No change.
Ditch about 6m wide, traces of outer bank, cut by track on east. Very old beech trees and some oaks on it.
J. Wymer (NAU).

17 April 1997.
Mound fairly clear, but a few mature trees and some fallen branches on it. On the south side, a light vehicle track
crosses the probable line of the ditch.
See correspondence in file.
D. Gurney (NLA) 17 April 1997.

MPP gives as 41m diameter overall: mound, 0.8m high, 29m diameter. Ditch 6m wide 0.2m deep.
E. Rose (NLA) 6 June 1997.

February 1998. Walkover Survey.
Rapid Earthwork Identification Survey in advance of destumping/felling (Compartment 6064).
Mound IV:
Mound relatively clear, except for a few mature trees around its edge; one very recently felled on the north side (removed but not destumped). 35m in diameter, 1m high, circular ditch also visible.
Three further barrows located in this area: NHER 33455, NHER 33456, and NHER 33457.
See report (S4) for further details.
D. Gurney (NLA) 18 February 1998. Amended by P. Watkins (HES), 19 August 2015.

Grass side which at present cuts across barrow will be moved to avoid damage to profile. Scrub to be cleared. No planting on barrow.
H. Paterson (A&E) 12 January 2000.

Scheduled Ancient Monument Management Plan March 2002 to March 2007.
(S3) in file.
D. Gurney (NLA), 24 April 2002.

September 2016. 'Brecks from Above' and Breckland National Mapping Programme.
The earthworks of this barrow are clearly visible on the 0.5m resolution Lidar data (S5). However, its location appears to be approximately 17m further south to that currently mapped on the NHER and SM boundaries and the location depicted on the OS mapping.
The barrow and broad ditch are clearly visible. Traces of an outer bank are surviving to the north, although appear to have been partially truncated by a boundary and/or trackway. The feature seems to be entirely truncated by boundaries and more modern features to the east and west.
This barrow, along with NHER 33455, NHER 33456, and NHER 33457, plus two newly identified possible mounds NHER 61496 and NHER 61497, form a small barrow cemetery (NHER 61495). The cemetery itself is located in close proximity to numerous other barrows, forming a dispersed cemetery landscape group (NHER 61484) in this area.
The mapped extent of this record has been amended [1].
S. Horlock (Norfolk Historic Environment Service), 29 September 2016.

Monument Types

  • ROUND BARROW (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status

  • Scheduled Monument

Sources and further reading

---Designation: [unknown]. Ancient Monuments Form. SAM Record. DNF191.
---Designation: Coad, V.. 1977. AM7 [Generic Record].
---Designation: Corbishley, M.. 1983. AM107.
---Record Card: Ordnance Survey Staff. 1933-1979?. Ordnance Survey Record Cards. TL 79 SE 12.
---Record Card: NAU Staff. 1974-1988. Norfolk Archaeological Index Primary Record Card.
---Monograph: Lawson, A. J., Martin, E., Priddy, D. and Taylor, A. 1981. The Barrows of East Anglia. East Anglian Archaeology. No 12.
---Record Card: Clarke, R. R. and NCM Staff. 1933-1973. Norwich Castle Museum Record Card - Bronze Age. Hockwold-cum-Wilton.
---Secondary File: Secondary File.
---Slide: Various. Slide.
---Designation: English Heritage. 1990-2013. English Heritage Scheduling Notification. Notification. DNF191.
---Designation: Department Of The Environment. 1882-1984?. Department of the Environment Scheduling Notification. Notification. DNF191.
<S1>Map: Ordnance Survey. 1883. First edition six inch map.
<S2>Designation: English Heritage. 1994? -2011?. English Heritage Digital Designation Record. Record. DNF191.
<S3>Unpublished Document: English Heritage. 2002. English Heritage Management Agreement.
<S4>Unpublished Contractor Report: Pendleton, C. and Sommers, M. 1998. Rapid Earthwork Identification Survey. Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service. 98/25.
<S5>LIDAR Airborne Survey: Various. LIDAR Airborne Survey. LIDAR Weeting Forest Research 0.5m DTM 17-JUL-2015 (BNG Project, FC England, Fugro Geospatial).

Related records

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