Record Details

NHER Number:43825
Type of record:Building
Name:Blue Tile House


A 17th century double pile brick house with an early 19th century façade.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TF 98076 36606
Map Sheet:TF93NE

Full description

January 1984. Listed, Grade II.
Listing Description:
House. 17th century double pile with early 19th century facade with some c1900 details. Gault brick facade, brick returns and rear pile, some flint to west end-gable to front pile. Two storeys with attics. Slightly irregular 5 bay facade with ground floor bay windows with lead glazing bars. First floor 5 leaded casements. Two part glazed door under metal canopy, entrance bay slightly broken forward. End pilaster strips, first floor plat-band, moulded brick kneelers. Wooden eaves cornice, except over entrance bay moulded brick with parapet and coping above. Three flat roofed dormers, leaded glazing. Central and 2 end stacks, coped parapets. Rear pile of late 17th century or early 18th century. Ground floor 4 leaded cross windows and central half landing window to staircase. First floor plat-band, dentil eaves cornice. Two end and 2 eaves stacks. To north long single storey brick and pantiled wing. Both west end gables with leaded casements.
Information from (S1).
A. Cattermole (NLA), 23 February 2006.

Monument Types

  • HOUSE (16th Century to 21st Century - 1600 AD to 2100 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status

  • Listed Building

Sources and further reading

---Monograph: Pevsner, N. and Wilson, B. 1997. Norfolk 1: Norwich and North-East. The Buildings of England. 2nd Edition. p 554.
<S1>Designation: English Heritage. National Heritage List for England. List Entry 1373705.

Related records

43824Parent of: Barn north west of Blue Tile House (Building)

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