Record Details

NHER Number:40633
Type of record:Monument
Name:Post medieval cobbled surfaces at Crossways Garage site


Archaeological excavations on the former site of the garage and bus depot recorded only post medieval cobbled surfaces and post medieval finds including a tyg (two handled drinking vessel). There was no medieval occupation of the site.

Images - none



Full description

Centre of town chequerboard plan being developed for housing, previously the bus depot and garage. New house footings in northeast corner of site, 65 to 80cm of deposits over natural clay below topsoil. Brown gravel layers sealing soil with post medieval brick fragments to front. Discontinuous cobble layers to rear. Large feature minimum 2.5cm deep, ?circular, diameter 2m at southeast corner, 6.7m from front, i.e. north building line. 16th-17th century black glazed two handled tyg lying on side immediately above natural near northeast corner. Two sherds of late medieval transitional-like ware probably 16th century from spoil. No features or finds in northwest corner of site - only 400mm of soil over natural clay.
Evidence so far indicates no medieval occupation in either northeast or northwest areas of the site.
A. Rogerson (NLA), 20 August 1985.

June 1986. Continuation of work on previous site and adjacent Rosemary Lane plots.
Again revealed no medieval finds, nor any pre-18th century post medieval finds. Some 18th century sherds and glass from spoil heap. Mostly topsoil with 19th century debris and pottery directly on natural boulder clay
J. Wymer, June 1986.

Previously NHER 9200 contexts 28-29.

Monument Types

  • COBBLED SURFACE (NHER) (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)

Associated Finds

  • BRICK (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • POT (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • TYG (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)

Protected Status - none

Sources - none

Related records

9200Part of: New Buckenham, a medieval planned town (Monument)

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