Record Details

NHER Number:40631
Type of record:Find Spot
Name:Reused carved stone from rear of No. 8 Chapel Street


Excavations for the footings of a new house discovered no archaeological features or finds. A piece of architectural carved stone may have been imported in the modern period. This suggests the area has never been built over.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TM 08728 90503
Map Sheet:TM09SE

Full description

1983. Excavations for footings of new house behind No. 8 Chapel Street.
Builders did not inform NAU until after footings had been laid and concreted. However, builders reported no structures except two modern concrete pads, no obvious features or finds except some animal bone. Land had been used for allotments. Large amounts of 19th century brick, tile, china, glass and amounts of ironwork all buried in topsoil. Only earlier find was a block of limestone 28cm x 25cm, 35cm thick with an extra 3cm forming the side of a relief motif in the form of a triangle, or half a lozenge, presumably from the castle, church or chapel. This may be a recent import to the site as part of a rockery. The evidence would suggest that this site has never been built over. This is supported by documentary sources.
See file for details.
E. Rose (NLA), 1983.

Monument Types

  • FINDSPOT (Undated)

Associated Finds


Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

---Secondary File: Secondary File.

Related records

9200Part of: New Buckenham, a medieval planned town (Monument)
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