Record Details

NHER Number:27169
Type of record:Monument
Name:Probable Bronze Age ring ditches


A group of ring ditches of probable Bronze Age date and several linear features, possibly trackways, are visible on aerial photographs from 1976, 1980 and 1994.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TG 0717 4030
Map Sheet:TG04SE

Full description


October 2002. Norfolk NMP.
A group of cropmarks visible on NLA oblique aerial photographs from 1976 (S1), 1980 (S2) and 1994 (S3). The site consists of three ring ditches and several linear features and ditches. The main ring ditch is located at TG 0714 4034. It is 36.5m in diameter and the thickness of the ditch varies from 1.5m–3m. Within the centre is a rectilinear internal feature, measuring 8m by 5.5m. To the west of this is another possible oval internal feature located at TG 0713 4033, measuring 4m by 1m. The archaeological origin of these internal features cannot be proven as the whole field exhibits geological patterning of which these could be part. To the south east two roughly parallel linear features cross the ring ditch. The width of the boundary defining this ring and the apparent internal features could imply that it is a circular enclosure or some such similar feature, such as a post mill. The second ring ditch is located at TG 0717 4038 and is 25m in diameter and the ditch is 1m across. This is also has several apparent internal oval features or pits. The largest is located at TG 0717 4038 and measures 4m by 2m. Another is centred on TG 0717 4039, 3.5m by 2m. Another at TG 0718 4038, measuring 2.5m by 2m and one at TG 0717 4038, 1.5m across. To the immediate west of this is another ring ditch centred on TG 0715 4039, measuring 26m in diameter. The north-eastern arc is not visible. A network of linear features and ditches connects all three of these ring ditches. The origin and purpose of these features is not clear, neither is it obvious whether the two features are contemporary. If these ring ditches represent the remains of Bronze Age barrows then the ditches could have been dug at a later date, whilst the mounds were still standing. Although, again, the purpose of this is not clear. If the larger ring ditch represents some sort of enclosure, possibly of late prehistoric date, then these boundaries could relate to associated activities and demarcation of the land.To the north and west of these features runs a parched linear from TG 0735 4032 to TG 0711 4038, it is 80m long and is 6.5m across at its widest. This may be a compacted surface, such as an old trackway, although it is almost parallel to the river course so it is possible that it is an old watercourse. Also to the east of the site are several sinuous ditched features running from approximately TG 0719 4040 to TG 0729 4023. This part of the site consists of two intertwined linear ditches, which are joined by third, much straighter ditch to the south. The date or origin of these features is not clear. It is possible that they are related to former woodland or park boundaries.
S. Massey (NMP), 23 December 2002.

Monument Types

  • DITCH (Unknown date)
  • LINEAR FEATURE (Unknown date)
  • PIT (Unknown date)
  • RING DITCH (Unknown date)
  • TRACKWAY (Unknown date)
  • WATERCOURSE (Unknown date)
  • CIRCULAR ENCLOSURE? (Late Prehistoric - 4000 BC to 42 AD)
  • PIT (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)
  • RING DITCH (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)
  • POST MILL? (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status


Sources and further reading

<S1>Oblique Aerial Photograph: Edwards, D.A.. 1976. TG 0740A-B (NLA 27/AEU/14-5) 29-JUN-1976.
<S2>Oblique Aerial Photograph: Edwards, D.A.. 1980. TG 0740C-E (NLA 98/AQG/28-30) 01-AUG-1980.
<S3>Oblique Aerial Photograph: Edwards, D.A.. 1994. TG 0740Q-R (NLA 340/HGN/13-4) 05-JUL-1994.

Related records

38629Part of: Salthouse Barrow Cemetery (Monument)

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