Make a Roman bracelet


Photograph of pipe cleaner bracelet (Roman)

Completed Roman Pipe Cleaner Bracelet. (© NCC)

You will need

2 long pieces of pipe cleaner of the same length and colour

2 shorter pieces of pipe cleaner of the same length and colour


1. Take the two longer pieces of pipe cleaner and wind 1cm at each of their ends together securely to form a join between the two cleaners.

2. Wind the rest of the length together evenly until it looks like the Roman bracelet from the treasure hoard.

3. Take one of the smaller pipe cleaners and fold it in half. Twist  it tightly and then bend it around your pointer finger to create a hook. _______


4. Take the other pipe cleaner and fold it into three. With the first two parts, make them into a hoop and twist them onto the other part till you make something like ----o

5. Then, pick up the hook and secure the longer side around one end of the long pipes.

6. With the hoop, secure it round the other end of the longer pipes with the 2cm of spare pipe cleaner not involved in the hoop.

By Anna Silverstone

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