Record Details

NHER Number:38699
Type of record:Monument
Name:World War Two bomb craters


Four World War Two bomb craters are visible on aerial photographs taken in 1941. The bombs may have been dropped during the same raid that damaged St Mary's Church (see (NHER 7091 and 38700).

Images - none


Grid Reference:TG 38330 30968
Map Sheet:TG33SE

Full description

July 2004. Norfolk NMP.
Four World War Two bomb craters are visible on RAF aerial photographs dating to 1941 ((S1) to (S2)). They are located around TG 3835 3096. The most easterly crater lay in the hedgerow on the east side of the Beach Road at TG 38375 30940. The remaining three were located in a staggered line to the northwest, lying in the field to the west of the road. Each of the craters has a diameter of between 5m and 7m. The alignment of these craters matches the location of a fifth crater in Happisburgh churchyard (NHER 38700) and it it likely that they were also the result of bombs dropped on 27 October 1940 (See file for Happisburgh Church, NHER 7091). This is supported by the absence of the craters on aerial photographs dating to 19 September 1940 (S3).
J. Albone (NMP), 21 July 2004.

Monument Types

  • BOMB CRATER (World War Two - 1939 AD to 1945 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

<S1>Vertical Aerial Photograph: RAF. 1941. RAF S/330 2-3 16-JUL-1941 (NMR).
<S2>Oblique Aerial Photograph: RAF. 1941. NMR TG 3831/2 (MSO 31255 S378/H50 50) 07-AUG-1941.
<S3>Oblique Aerial Photograph: RAF. 1940. NMR TG 3830/30 (MSO 31022 26/BR14/15 4863) 19-SEP-1940.

Related records - none

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