Make a pair of Roman sandals

This simple Roman sandal design is similar to the type of sandal worn by soldiers. Leather is rarely found in Norfolk but there are nine records of Roman shoes including the impressions of hob-nailed boots or shoes on the top of the town wall at the Roman town of Venta Icenorum (NHER 9786).

You will need:

Sugar paper


Hole punch





1. Draw around your foot and add an extra 1 cm around the outline.

2. Draw 3 strips on each side of the foot about 4 cm wide and about 10 cm long.

3. Cut out the sandal shape.

4. Try your sandal on and trim the straps to fit the width of your foot with no overlap.

5. Use the hole punch to punch a small hole in the end of each strap.

6. Thread the holes with string and tie them in a bow.

Idea by Hannah Simpson.



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