Norwich, Cow Tower - Holly Rumble and John Boursnell

Photograph to accompany the sound files 'Pigeons in the Cow Tower' by Holly Rumble and John Boursnell.

Photograph to accompany the sound files 'Pigeons in the Cow Tower' by Holly Rumble and John Boursnell. (© H. Rumble.)



Holly specialises in field recordings and John is an electro-acoustic composer and designer. Pigeons in the Cow Tower are a series of short environmental sound recordings taken at various points along the River Wensum. They are designed to create a linear journey of acoustic interest. Each track was composed from a number of recordings taken at various times during the day. When played back at the location the listener will hear a subtle confusion of sounds. Download the file on to an MP3 player to fully experience the project. 

Photograph to accompany the sound files 'Pigeons in the Cow Tower' by Holly Rumble and John Boursnell.

Photograph to accompany the sound files 'Pigeons in the Cow Tower' by Holly Rumble and John Boursnell. (© H. Rumble.) 

Cow Tower, Norwich, NHER 632

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