Burgh Castle, Burgh Castle - Mark Sargeant

Still from the film 'Burgh Castle A series of processes' by Mark Sargeant.

Still from the film 'Burgh Castle A series of processes' . (© M. Sargeant.)

Burgh Castle a series of processes, 2006.

Mark Sargeant, Film maker and artist. 

Inspired by the marvellous ruins of Burgh Castle near where I live. I came up with this short film. It's a series of pictures I've taken with a still camera and then edited and processed them together. I added in some footage I had with another session there to make this film. The piece like the ruins themselves have undergone a succession of processes. One of human intevention and of time itself.

To view the film go to:


Mark has at blog at:


Mark can be contacted at:


Burgh Castle, NHER 10471

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