Record Details

NHER Number:64058
Type of record:Monument
Name:Site of White Tower


This is the site of the White Tower which was part of King's Lynn Town defences. It appears to date from the later 13th century, and was demolished in the early 19th century.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TF 6240 2017
Map Sheet:TF62SW

Full description

(S1) provides a detailed description of the White Tower, based on a drawing reproduced in (S2). The back of the tower was rectangular and projected from the rear wall-face. Half way up the west face was a string-course dividing the tower into two vertical stages. The tower was crenelated, and this is also shown on (S3). (S1) argues that the tall lancet window in the west side of the tower indicates a relatively early date, perhaps in the latter half of the 13th century.
This tower was one of a pair, the other being known as the Black Tower. The location of the Black Tower is unknown but it is possible that this refers to the tower at the Kettle Mills (NHER 64057).
A. Cattermole (King's Lynn UAD), 10 March 2020.

Monument Types

  • TOWER (Medieval to 18th Century - 1250 AD? to 1800 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

---Map: Bell, H. 1680s. The Groundplat of King's Lynn.
---Map: Rastrick, G.. 1725. Ichnographia Burgi perantiqui Lennae Regis in Agro Norfolciensi accurate delineata.
<S1>Article in Serial: Smith, T. P. 1970. The medieval town defences of King's Lynn. Journal of the British Archaeological Association. Third Series Vol XXX pp 57-58. pp 80-81.
<S2>Publication: Higgins, D.. 2000. The Antiquities of King's Lynn from the Sketchbooks of Rev. Edward Edwards. pp 13, 32.
<S3>Publication: Buck. 1741. Eastern Prospect of Lynn-Regis.

Related records

5486Part of: King's Lynn Town Defences (Monument)
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