Record Details

NHER Number:63285
Type of record:Monument
Name:Possible Second World War feature


Pits, ditches and a mound of possible Second World War date are seen as earthworks on aerial photographs and visualised lidar data. The feature consist of a long deep trench with three pits connected by ditches around a central mound. It is most likely the earthworks relate to a Second World War training or defensive feature probably associated with Cranwich military camp to the east (NHER 25240). The possible Second World War feature is in close relation to a possible extraction pit to the south (NHER 55977).

Images - none


Grid Reference:TL 7687 9438
Map Sheet:TL79SE

Full description

April 2019. Breckland National Mapping Programme.
Pits, ditches and a mound of possible Second World War date are seen as earthworks on aerial photographs and visualised lidar data (S1-S2). The feature consist of a long deep trench with three pits connected by ditches around a central mound. It is most likely the earthworks relate to a Second World War training or defensive feature probably associated with Cranwich military camp to the east (NHER 25240). The possible Second World War feature is in close relation to a possible extraction pit to the south (NHER 55977).
J.Powell (Norfolk Historic Environment Service), 12th April 2019

Monument Types

  • DITCH (Unknown date)
  • MOUND (Unknown date)
  • PIT (Unknown date)
  • GUN EMPLACEMENT? (World War Two - 1939 AD to 1945 AD)
  • MILITARY SITE? (World War Two - 1939 AD to 1945 AD)
  • MILITARY TRAINING SITE? (World War Two - 1939 AD to 1945 AD)
  • MOUND (World War Two - 1939 AD? to 1945 AD?)
  • PIT (World War Two - 1939 AD? to 1945 AD?)
  • TRENCH? (World War Two - 1939 AD to 1945 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

<S1>Vertical Aerial Photograph: Various. Vertical Aerial Photograph. RAF/106G/UK/1634 V 5339-5340 09-JUL-1946 (HEA Original Print).
<S2>LIDAR Airborne Survey: Various. LIDAR Airborne Survey. LIDAR Weeting Forest Research 0.5m DTM 17-JUL-2015 (BNG Project, FC England, Fugro Geospatial).

Related records

25240Related to: Cranwich Labour Camp and World War Two Military Camp (Monument)
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