Record Details

NHER Number:51906
Type of record:Monument
Name:WWII road blocks on the line of the Norwich anti-tank ditch


At the junction of Salhouse Road with Woodside Road there is evidence of two World War Two road blocks, which form part of the main perimeter defences of the city of Norwich, largely made up of the anti-tank ditch and related features, described in record NHER 51893.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TG 2607 1104
Map Sheet:TG21SE

Full description

November 2008. Norfolk NMP.
At the junction of Salhouse Road with Woodside Road there is evidence of two World War Two road blocks at TG 2606 1106 and TG 2610 1103, which appear to be of the curved (‘hairpin’) type (S3) with anti-tank cubes visible between, (S1)-(S2). These defences form part of the main perimeter defences of the city of Norwich, largely made up of the anti-tank ditch and related features, described in record NHER 51893.
E. Bales (NMP), 8 November 2008.

Monument Types

  • ROADBLOCK (World War Two - 1939 AD to 1945 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

<S1>Monograph: Brown, I. & Lowry, B. (eds.). 1996. 20th century defences in Britain: an introductory guide.. p 90.
<S2>Vertical Aerial Photograph: RAF. 1946. RAF 106G/UK/1254 6013-4 20-MAR-1946 (NMR).
<S3>Vertical Aerial Photograph: RAF. 1947. RAF CPE/UK/2019 5108-9 18-APR-1947 (NMR).

Related records

51893Related to: Site of World War Two defensive anti tank ditch around city of Norwich (Monument)
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