Record Details
NHER Number: | 39214 |
Type of record: | Monument |
Name: | Cropmarks of undated but possibly Early Saxon ditches or enclosure boundaries |
Cropmarks of undated ditches, possibly field or enclosure boundaries, are visible on aerial photographs. Adjacent Early Anglo-Saxon settlement evidence (NHER 16641) may suggest a possible date for these features.
Images - none
Grid Reference: | TG 33050 32390 |
Map Sheet: | TG33SW |
Full description
January 2005. Norfolk NMP.
Cropmarks of undated ditches, possibly field or enclosure boundaries, are visible on aerial photographs (S1). These cropmarks are centred on TG 3300 3239. A total of six ditches are visible on northwest to southeast and southwest to northeast alignment. A possible field or enclosure is present at TG 3300 3244 and measures 20m by at least 60m. The southeastern side of this enclosure continues for up to 115m to the southwest and has other ditches aligned perpendicular to it on both sides. Although fragmentary, this group of cropmarks appears to represent enclosure or boundary ditches. Their alignment is different to the Roman field system present in this area (NHER 39212) and to the post medieval field pattern. It is possible that these ditches are associated with an Early Anglo-Saxon settlement (NHER 16641) known from excavation at TG 3304 3245. However, artefacts of various periods have been found during field walking in this area (NHER 6943, 16641). These cropmarks are crossed by a gas pipeline at their eastern end.
(See also NHER 39212, 6943, 16641)
J. Albone (NMP), 14 January 2005
Monument Types
- DITCH (Unknown date)
- ENCLOSURE (Unknown date)
- FIELD BOUNDARY (Unknown date)
- DITCH? (Early Saxon - 410 AD to 650 AD)
- ENCLOSURE? (Early Saxon - 410 AD to 650 AD)
- FIELD BOUNDARY? (Early Saxon - 410 AD to 650 AD)
Associated Finds - none
Protected Status
Sources and further reading
<S1> | Vertical Aerial Photograph: Meridian Airmaps Limited. 1976. MAL 76053 116 29-JUN-1976 (NMR)
MAL 76053 116 29-JUN-1976 (NMR). |
Related records
6943 | Related to: Prehistoric flint, Iron Age to post medieval pottery sherds (Find Spot) |
16641 | Related to: Two Early Saxon buildings, Iron Age to post medieval pottery sherds (Monument) |
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