Record Details

NHER Number:35737
Type of record:Monument
Name:Bottom Cottage, Hales Green


An archaeological evaluation and building survey were carried out by the NAU in 2000 in advance of the demolition of the cottage and the construction of a new house. The survey revealed that the cottage dated back to the 17th century, and was originally timber framed with one heated room and two unheated service rooms. The cottage was rebuilt in brick in the 19th century when a two storey extension was added. A brick-lined culvert was excavated and a large amount of 18th century material was recovered.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TM 3729 9662
Map Sheet:TM39NE

Full description

Originally a two cell, end stack and loft timber framed house of about 1600 with 19th century facade; disembowelled about 1930, abandoned about 1990. To be demolished?
See (S1) in file.
E. Rose (NLA), 20 October 2000.

November 2000. Trial Trench and Building Survey.
An archaeological evaluation and building survey was undertaken in advance of demolition of the current building and the constuction of a new residential property. A single trench was excavated acros the foot print of the proposed new building. A modern brick-lined culvert, and single linear feature contained a relatively large assemblage of mid 18th century pottery and glass, were recorded. This feature may have been a soakaway, or simply a boundary feature filled iwth domestic rubbish from the cottage.
The survey suggested tha the earliest surviving elements of Bottom Cottage date from the 17th century. It originally consisited of one heated room, plus two service rooms constructed with timber-framed walls and possibly a brick east gable. The timber-framed building was rebuilt in brick and a two storey extension added in the 19th century.
See report (S2) for further details. The results of this work are also summarised in (S3).
The associated archive has been deposited with the Norwich Castle Museum (NWHCM : 2016.196).
D. Gurney (NLA), December 2000. Amended by P. Watkins (HES), 21 June 2019.

Monument Types

  • BUILDING (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • CULVERT (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • DITCH (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • DWELLING (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • FINDSPOT (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • TIMBER FRAMED HOUSE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)

Associated Finds

  • POT (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
  • VESSEL (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

---Photograph: JVG 33-36.
---Secondary File: Secondary File.
<S1>Unpublished Document: Rose, E. 2000. Building Survey.
<S2>Unpublished Contractor Report: Brennand, M. 2000. Report on an Archaeological Evaluation at Bottom Cottage, Hales Green, Loddon. Norfolk Archaeological Unit. 547.
<S3>Article in Serial: Gurney, D. and Penn, K. (eds). 2001. Excavations and Surveys in Norfolk 2000. Norfolk Archaeology. XLIII Pt IV pp 707-728. p 716.

Related records - none

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