Record Details

NHER Number:24979
Type of record:Monument
Name:Cropmarks of possible Bronze Age ring ditch and medieval/post medieval field boundaries and trackway


Aerial photographs taken in 1976 show the cropmarks of a large ring ditch and an overlying horseshoe-shaped enclosure at this location. It is possible that the horseshoe-shaped enclosure here is modern and relates to a building seen on a 1957 map. Subsequent photographs taken in 1996 show these cropmarks to be still visible and interpreted them as the remnants of removed fields and tracks of probably medieval/post medieval date.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TG 226 277
Map Sheet:TG22NW

Full description

3 July 1976. Cambridge University Collection of Aerial Photographs.
Show cropmark of large ring ditch and overlying horseshoe-shaped enclosure.
Plus adjacent rectangles on various alignments.
D. Edwards (NAU) 19 November 1985.

The horseshoe feature may be of recent origin.
Note a roofless building shown here on 1957 6in map.
Not on photograph.
E. Rose (NAU) 14 December 1988.

15 July 1996. NLA aerial photography.
Cropmarks still visible, indicating now removed fields and tracks, probably dating to medieval - post medieval periods.
These features appear to be contiguous with NHER 24978.
S. Massey (NLA) 15 October 2001.

Monument Types

  • ENCLOSURE (Unknown date)
  • RING DITCH (Unknown date)
  • SITE (Unknown date)
  • RING DITCH (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)
  • FIELD BOUNDARY (Medieval to 19th Century - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
  • TRACKWAY (Medieval to 19th Century - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

---Aerial Photograph: CUCAP BYY17-18 (TG227 C-D).
---Aerial Photograph: Edwards, D.A. (NLA). 1996. TG 2227E - F.

Related records - none

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