Record Details

NHER Number:18825
Type of record:Monument
Name:Bronze Age ring ditch


1976 and 1978 aerial photographs show the cropmarks of a ring ditch. The location of this ring ditch was confirmed by a geophysical survey carried out in 2007. This anomaly was investigated by trial trenching in 2008 which revealed a ditch measuring 4m wide.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TF 6646 0345
Map Sheet:TF60SE

Full description

1 July 1976. Ordnance Survey air photography.
Positive cropmarks.
Ring ditch.
D. Voisey (NAU).

27 July 1978. Air photography by Aerial Archaeology Foundation.
Positive cropmarks.
One ring ditch.
D. Edwards (NAU), 2 February 1983.

October 2007. Geophysical Survey.
Geophysical survey of an area to be developed (NHER 50596) revealed several anomalies likely of archaeological origin. Five circular ditches were identified, one of which corresponds with this ring ditch. A negative anomaly in the interior of the ring ditch may indicate former banks.
Information from (S1).
H. Hamilton (NLA), 18 February 2008.

January 2008. Evaluation.
Trench 11 was positioned to investigate a geophysical anomaly. The ditch was 4m wide and a section excavated across it showed it to be approximately 0.8m deep. The sides of the ditch were gently sloping and its base was almost flat. A soil sample from the primary fill of the ditch contained only sparse flecks of charcoal, fragments of black tarry material, bone fragments (some of which were burnt) and small pieces of burnt or fired clay.
Information from (S2).
A. Cattermole (NLA), 29 May 2008.

Monument Types

  • RING DITCH (Unknown date)
  • RING DITCH (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

---Aerial Photograph: TF 6603J-N.
---Aerial Photograph: OS 76-124-425.
---Aerial Photograph: OS 76-124-426.
---Record Card: NAU Staff. 1974-1988. Norfolk Archaeological Index Primary Record Card.
<S1>Unpublished Contractor Report: Smalley, R. 2007. Geophysical Survey Report. Crimplesham Quarry, Norfolk. Stratascan.
<S2>Unpublished Contractor Report: Bates, S. 2008. An Archaeological Evaluation at Crimplesham Replacement Quarry. NAU Archaeology. 1754.

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