Record Details

NHER Number:25487
Type of record:Monument
Name:Possible Bronze Age round barrow near Bunker's Hill


This small mound is thought to be the remains of a Bronze Age round barrow or a quarrying feature. It is around 14m in diameter and 1m high, and is surrounded by a ditch 3m wide and 0.50m deep. Consulation of the lidar imagery for the area of this previously recorded barrow did not reveal any convincing evidence of a barrowat this location.A slightly higher area of ground is discernable, however the lidar would suggest that it is within an area historic quarrying activity and as such it was interpreted as a soilheap, as suggested above. However the evidence is not conclusive and it may represent a much disturbed barrow.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TL 7696 9108
Map Sheet:TL79SE

Full description

February 1989.
Small mound, at position marked on 1:10000 Ordnance Survey map. Around 14m diameter and 1m high surrounded by ditch 3m wide and 0.50m deep. Both mound and ditch are very irregular but the earthwork appear to be a mutilated barrow.
Visited by J. Wymer (NAU), 20 February 1989.
J. Wymer (NAU), 29 September 1989.

May 2005. Visited in order to confirm location on the ground, following some confusion, mainly due to the proximity of old quarrying pits and banks.
Site exists as described in 1989, although the scheduling description differs.
The ditch is visible. A second barrow nearby, once erroneously recorded under this number is now NHER 41681.
D. Gurney (NLA), 11 May 2005.

February and April 2008. Field visits.
There is a clear discrepancy between the dimensions recorded in 1989 (above) and those recorded in the Scheduling Report of 1997 (S1 and above). There is also a discrepancy between the location recorded in 1989 and 1997.
During the site visits, both locations were examined. There is a mound surrounded by a ditch in the location recorded in 1989 and its dimensions match those recorded in 1989. There is also a mound without a visible ditch in the location recorded in 1997 and its dimensions are as described in the Scheduling Record. The conclusion is that there are two possible barrows. Consequently, the mound and ditch recorded in 1989 remain as NHER 25487; the mound described in the Scheduling Report is now recorded as NHER 51529.
The Scheduling Report is now in the file for NHER 51529.
D. Robertson (NLA), 9 May 2008.

July 2013. Field visit.
The mound is similar in appearance to earthworks associated with the large quarry to the southwest (NHER 41681). As a result, it may be a quarrying feature rather than a burial mound.
D. Robertson (HES), 14 August 2013.

March 2018. 'Brecks from Above' and Breckland National Mapping Programme.
Consulation of the lidar data (S1) for the area of this previously recorded barrow did not reveal any convincing evidence of a barrow at this location. A slightly higher area of ground is discernable, however the lidar would suggest that it is within an area of historic quarrying activity and as such it was interpreted as a soilheap, as suggested above. However the evidence is not conclusive and it may represent a much disturbed barrow. It has not been mapped.
S. Horlock (Norfolk Historic Environment Service), 7 March 2018.

Monument Types

  • MOUND (Unknown date)
  • ROUND BARROW? (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)
  • SPOIL HEAP (Post Medieval to 21st Century - 1540 AD to 2100 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

---Archive: Norfolk Monuments Management Project File.
---Secondary File: Secondary File.
<S1>LIDAR Airborne Survey: Various. LIDAR Airborne Survey. LIDAR Weeting Forest Research 0.5m DTM 17-JUL-2015 (BNG Project, FC England, Fugro Geospatial).

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