Old Buckenham, Old Buckenham Castle - Steve Eggleton

Photograph of Old Buckenham village sign by Steve Eggleton. The sign depicts Old Buckenham Castle.

Old Buckenham village sign by Steve Eggleton. The sign depicts Old Buckenham Castle. (© S. Eggleton.)

Sometimes a village will provide me with a mountain of historical information. Sometimes I use an archaeologist to research the more tricky stuff. I will then sift through it, and find the material that will lend itself to interpretation in relief carving. I will play with the various elements until they blend in a satisfactory way, that will compromise neither the historical substance, nor the visual effect. Sometimes this can be a bit of a balancing act.

Old Buckenham sign features the keep of Old Buckenham Castle.

Steve Eggleton


Old Buckenham, Abbey Farm, site of Old Buckenham Priory and Old Buckenham Castle, NHER 9202

Old Buckenham, medieval deer park, NHER 44620

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