Record Details

NHER Number:58617
Type of record:Monument
Name:Former site of medieval enclosure and boundary ditches


The former earthworks of a large ditched and banked enclosure and/or group of boundaries of probable medieval to post medieval date are visible on aerial photographs to the west of Queen’s Road, Attleborough. The site is located immediately alongside two areas of previous archaeological excavation (NHER 35169 & 53943). NHER 35169 revealed significant evidence for medieval and post medieval ditches and walls which broadly follow the same alignment as those mapped as part of NMP. This would potentially indicate a medieval date for at least some of the earthworks. However the presence of a Middle Saxon pottery sherd from the site (NHER 9096) could feasibly also indicate earlier origins. Although it must also be noted that the southern boundary of the enclosure appears to correlate with a boundary in use on the 1838 Attleborough Tithe map indicating a continuity is use of at least part of this enclosure. It is probable that this site represents a stock enclosure or paddock and/or group of field or land boundaries, originally of medieval date, some of which continue in use until the post medieval.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TM 0451 9538
Map Sheet:TM09NW

Full description

February 2013. Norfolk NMP.
The former earthworks of a large ditched and banked enclosure and/or group of boundaries of probable medieval to post medieval date are visible on aerial photographs to the west of Queen’s Road, Attleborough (S1). The site is centred on TM 0451 9538 and is located immediately alongside two areas of previous archaeological excavation (NHER 35169 & 53943). NHER 35169 revealed significant evidence for medieval and post medieval ditches and walls. Although time did not allow for detailed correlation of the excavated features and the NMP mapping an initial assessment suggested that the medieval ditches excavated to the immediate east (NHER 35169) follow the same alignment as those mapped as part of NMP. This would potentially indicate a medieval date for at least some of the earthworks. However the presence of a Middle Saxon pottery sherd from the site (NHER 9096) could feasibly also indicate earlier origins. Although it must also be noted that the southern boundary of the enclosure appears to correlate with a boundary in use on the 1838 Attleborough Tithe map (S2) indicating a continuity is use of at least part of this enclosure. It is probable that this site represents a stock enclosure or paddock and/or group of field or land boundaries, originally of medieval date, some of which continue in use until the post medieval. The long narrow curving field seemingly leading into or towards the enclosure from the west on the Tithe map (S2) could support the stock management interpretation.
The site of Baconsthorpe deserted medieval settlement is recorded on the National Monuments Record (NMR) just to the immediate north of this site. This village was recorded in the Domesday Book, but has not previously been identified on the ground (NHER 9102). However despite the close geographical correlation between NMP site and the GIS polygon for the site (NMR TM 09 NW 16) the record description indicates that the most likely site of the village to have been on the meadow on either side of the stream further north near the present hamlet of Baconsthorpe. See NHER 58610 for possible medieval earthworks in this general area, which may feasibly relate to this former medieval settlement.
It must be noted that the alongside these earthworks is a rectangular enclosure/compound that is showing in a similar manner to the earthworks mapped. This has a rectangular building associated with it and has the general appaearance of apavilion and recreation ground, perhaps an old bowling green, although this is not certain.
This site is now entirely covered by modern housing development and it is unlikely that any of the former earthworks survive.
S. Horlock (NMP), 01 February 2013.

Monument Types

  • BOUNDARY DITCH (Medieval to 19th Century - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
  • FIELD BOUNDARY (Medieval to 19th Century - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
  • RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURE? (Medieval to 19th Century - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
  • STOCK ENCLOSURE? (Medieval to 19th Century - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

<S1>Vertical Aerial Photograph: RAF. 1946. RAF 3G/TUD/UK/101 6141-2 30-MAR-1946 (NMR).
<S2>Map: Eaton, J.. 1838. Attleborough Tithe map. 1 inch: 6 chains.

Related records

35169Related to: Medieval and post medieval ditches at Lidl Store, Queen's Road (Monument)
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