Record Details

NHER Number:7697
Type of record:Monument
Name:RAF Coltishall


Used as a fighter base in World War Two, the airfield was in continuous use until its closure in 2006. One World War Two fighter pen and one group of Cold War blast walls have been designated as Scheduled Monuments.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TG 266 227
Map Sheet:TG22SE

Full description

Began as World War Two airfield; extended twice since, still in use.
E. Rose (NAU) 18 January 1978.

World War Two anti aircraft artillery.
See file.
D. Gurney (NLA), 28 January 1997.

Cold War MPP assessment identifies this as a site of national importance, and it is to be listed or scheduled.
Blast walls are well preserved examples of early 1950s defensive features, associated with Meteor and Vampire jets.
See file for details and report on CD ROM.
D. Gurney (NLA), 27 December 2001.

See newspaper cuttings in file.
A. Cattermole (NLA), 9 August 2005.

During World War Two RAF Coltishall was used as a fighter base, and famous pilots such as Douglas Bader and John Cunningham were based there. After the war the base was used by the Polish air force. The RAF have continuously used the base since the war, with early jet fighters such as Meteors and Vampires, and personnel from the base have been involved in almost every major conflict.
S. Spooner (NLA) 6 September 2005.

It has now been decided by English Heritage that listing and scheduling are not to take place; there is said to be no point in preserving the blast walls in isolation. Instead a detailed record is being made of the memories of staff and local inhabitants.
The perimeter of the base includes Cold War pillboxes.
E. Rose (NLA), 29 November 2005.

Closed in 2006.
P. Aldridge (NLA), 3 May 2007.

March-November 2006. Photographic Survey.
Photographic characterisation undertaken by English Heritage.
This photographic survey of RAF Coltishall was created during its last month as an operational station and during the subsequent drawdown until closure in November 2006. Other elements of this historic characterisation of the airfield, included air photography, a characterisation map and work by three audio-visual artists Angus Boulton, Gair Dunlop and Louise K Wilson. This report presents a collection of English Heritage ground photography and a selection of low-level oblique air photography.
See (S1) for further details.

March 2008. Site scheduled.
See scheduling description.
S. Howard (NLA), 18 March 2010.

May 2008.
Plans are in place to build a new prison on the site of the airfield.
See (S3) for further details.
H. Hamilton (NLA), 27 May 2008.

North Norfolk District Council are to place a TPO on all trees on the RAF housing estate within the site on the basis that this is a 'more or less unique and intact landscape which might be categorised as being specific to the RAF and in particular the development of RAF stations since the late 1930s and based on the then current sub-urban landscape aesthetic of the 'Garden Town' ' (S4)
E. Rose (NLA), 2007

May 2008. Desk Based Assessment.
The site lies within a dispersed group of cropmark ring-ditches, the majority of which are likely to have been the remains of prehistoric barrow mounds. These features have been identified on all sides of the site and therefore there is a chance that one or more may have lain within the bounds of the development area. Struck flints and stone implements have been recovered from a number of sites in the area, which suggests at least low level activity across the area.
The proximity of the site to the Fen causeway suggests some form of Roman activity. Assessing the likelihood that archaeological remains survive is difficult considering that little evidence has been recovered from the immediate vicinity of the site. It seems likely that the site's 20th century development will have had serious impact on any archaeological remains present.
See report (S5) for further information.
H. White (NLA) 4 December 2008.

May 2008. Photographic survey.
See report (S6) for details.
H. White (NLA), 2 July 2009.

August 2008.
Ministry of Justice proposals to develop a prison on the site approved.
See (S3) and (S7) for further details.
H. White (NLA) 15 December 2008.

January 2010.
Plans to create a specialist decommissioning and storage unit for civil aircraft.
See (S8) for details.
H. White, (NLA), 26 March 2010.

Details of the Scheduled area from English Heritage are awaited.
A. Cattermole (NLA), 16 August 2010.

January 2013. The site, excluding the prison (HMP Bure) is purchased by Norfolk County Council.
D. Gurney (HES), 21 August 2013.

In 1941, from August to October, American volunteer pilots, Eagle Squadron 133, were based here.
For a Danish pilot, see (S9).
D. Gurney (HES), 21 August 2013.

January and March 2015. Watching Brief.
Monitoring of groundworks associated with installation of solar array. The excavation of two cable trenches was monitored, one in the vicinity of the Sports Ground (NHER 59044; Trench 1) and one that crossed open ground between two revetment cabins (NHERs 59127 and 59143; Trench 2). Neither trench exposed archaeologically significant features or deposit. The only finds recovered were bullet casings dating to the Cold War era.
See report (S10) for further details.
The archive associated with this work has been deposited with the Norwich Castle Museum (NWHCM : 2017.298).
P. Watkins (HES), 30 January 2018. Amended 19 May 2019.

Monument Types

  • ANTI AIRCRAFT BATTERY (World War Two - 1939 AD to 1945 AD)
  • MILITARY AIRFIELD (World War Two - 1939 AD to 1945 AD)
  • BLAST PEN (Cold War - 1945 AD to 1992 AD)
  • BLAST WALL (Cold War - 1945 AD to 1992 AD)
  • FINDSPOT (Cold War - 1945 AD to 1992 AD)
  • PILLBOX (Cold War - 1945 AD to 1992 AD)

Associated Finds

  • BULLET (Cold War - 1945 AD to 1992 AD)

Protected Status

  • Scheduled Monument

Sources and further reading

---Article in Serial: Schofield, J., Cocroft, W., Boulton, A., Dunlop, G. and Wilson, L. 2012. 'The aerodrome': Art, heritage and landscape at former RAF Coltishall. Journal of Social Archaeology. Vol 12 Issue 1 pp 120-142.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 1988. And now a plastic spitfire. 20 August.
---Monograph: Cocroft, W.. 2001. Cold War Monuments: An Assessment by the Monuments Protection Programme..
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2005. What next for Coltishall?. 9 August.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 1992. RAF men's graves hidden for 40 years. 12 November.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 1999. Guardian of the airbase given a vital new role. 12 November.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 1999. Coltishall honours its heroes. 8 July.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2001. Illustrious History of Remarkable Base. 21 May.
---Serial: Dobinson, C.S.. 1996. Twentieth Century Fortifications in England.. Vol I.4, p 583. Vol. I.4, p.583.
---Record Card: NAU Staff. 1974-1988. Norfolk Archaeological Index Primary Record Card.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2006. Flying farewell (Part one). 30 March.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2006. Flying farewell (Part two). 31 March.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2010. Memorable flightpaths in war and peace. 2 January.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2010. The battle that changed world history. 13 September.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 1999. Councils fight to save base. 15 December.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2012. Disused hall is flying high again. 1 March.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2012-2013. [Articles on the plans put forward by Norfolk County Council for RAF Coltishall].
---Secondary File: Secondary File.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2013. Wartime relics that open a fascinating window on the past. 29 June.
---Unpublished Document: Francis, P.. 2013. RAF Coltishall. A Historical Appraisal.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2014. A £1.25m vision for former RAF base. 16 January.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2015. RAF Coltishall comes off the ‘at risk’ register. 20 October.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2015. New cycle centre vision at site of former airbase. 23 November.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2016. A new era at former RAF base as giant solar farm is completed. 26 April.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2017. Former air base to be preserved to protect its heritage. 17 March.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2014. Owner’s pledge to get former RAF station off at-risk register. 27 October.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2015. Grant will help protect unique wartime shed. 3 April.
---Designation: English Heritage. 1990-2013. English Heritage Scheduling Notification. Notification. DNF11517.
---Designation: English Heritage. 1994? -2011?. English Heritage Digital Designation Record. Record. DNF11517.
---Designation: Norfolk Archaeological Unit. 1975-?. Norfolk Archaeological Unit Recommendation for Scheduling. Recommendation. DNF11517.
<S1>Monograph: Cocroft, W. 2007. RAF Coltishall, Norfolk. A photographic characterisation. English Heritage Research Department Report Series. 68/2007.
<S2>Article in Serial: Cocroft, W., Cole, S. & Schofield, J.. 2007. RAF Coltishall: documenting drawdown and closure of an historic airfield, in Research News.. the Newsletter of the English Heritage Research Department. Number 6, Spring 2007.
<S3>Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2008-2009. [Articles on the proposal for a prison at RAF Colitshall].
<S4>Unpublished Document: North Norfolk District Council. 2007. Development Control Committee (East) Agenda fro 26 April 2007. p 4.
<S5>Unpublished Contractor Report: Watkins, P. J. 2008. An Archaeological Desk-based Assessment of land at former RAF Coltishall, Norwich. NAU Archaeology. 1786.
<S6>Unpublished Contractor Report: Birks, C. 2008. Report on a Historic Building Photographic Recording at Former RAF Coltishall, Coltishall/ Scottow, Norfolk. Chris Birks Archaeological Services. CB123R.
<S7>Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2009-2010. [Articles on the consideration of North Norfolk District Council designating a part of RAF Coltishall as a conservation area].
<S8>Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2010-2012. [Articles on the plans and sale of RAF Coltishall].
<S9>Website: Danish WW2 Pilots.
<S10>Unpublished Contractor Report: Bryant-Buck, H. 2015. Former RAF Coltishall, Scottow Moor, Norfolk, NR10 5JN. Archaeological Monitoring. NPS Archaeology. 2015/1352.

Related records

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59036Parent of: Barrack Block E (Cunningham Barracks), Former RAF Coltishall (Building 27E) (Building)
59037Parent of: Barrack Block F (Aitkin Barracks), Former RAF Coltishall (Building 27F) (Building)
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59197Parent of: Brake Servicing Parachute Section - Workshop, Former RAF Coltishall (Buildings 260 and 304) (Building)
59230Parent of: Bulk Fuel Installation 2, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 301) (Building)
59231Parent of: Bulk Fuel Installation 3, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 302) (Building)
59203Parent of: Bulk Fuel Installation 4 or Short-term Helipad, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 267) (Building)
59132Parent of: Bulk Fuel Installation 5, Former RAF Coltishall (Buildings 154, 155, 156 and 157) (Building)
59133Parent of: Bulk Fuel Installation 6, Former RAF Coltishall (Buildings 158, 159, 160, 161) (Building)
59118Parent of: C Milling Barrack Block, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 119) (Monument)
59235Parent of: CADF Housing, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 309) (Building)
59021Parent of: Cathode Ray Direction Finder, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 214) (Building)
59164Parent of: Cathode Ray Direction Finder, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 214) (Building)
59024Parent of: Central heating tower, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 19) (Building)
59138Parent of: Civil Administration, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 168) (Building)
59287Parent of: Clay Pigeon Shooting Huts, Former RAF Coltishall (Buildings 372, 373, 373A and 374) (Building)
59115Parent of: Coles Crane Bay, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 116) (Building)
59215Parent of: Compass Swing Area, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 282) (Building)
59091Parent of: Compressor Building, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 84) (Building)
59088Parent of: Compressor Room, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 81) (Building)
59089Parent of: Compressor Room, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 82) (Building)
59090Parent of: Compressor Room, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 83) (Building)
59169Parent of: Drop Tank Storage Area, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 220) (Building)
59300Parent of: DSF (Domestic Services Flight) Shed (Store), Former RAF Coltishall (Building 388) (Building)
59153Parent of: Early Failure Detection Cell, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 187) (Building)
59290Parent of: Education Centre, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 377) (Building)
59227Parent of: EES Fuel Compound, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 297) (Building)
59304Parent of: EES Locker Room (Hut), Former RAF Coltishall (Building 397) (Building)
59225Parent of: Electronics Centre, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 295 and 295A) (Building)
59281Parent of: Electronics Store Timber Storage Shed, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 366) (Building)
59282Parent of: Electronics Store Timber Storage Shed, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 367) (Building)
59283Parent of: Electronics Store Timber Storage Shed, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 368) (Building)
59031Parent of: Emergency borehole, Former RAF Coltishall (Structure 26) (Building)
59251Parent of: Emergency Water Supply Tank (ESA), Former RAF Coltishall (Building 326) (Building)
59248Parent of: Emergency Water Supply, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 323) (Building)
59249Parent of: Emergency Water Supply, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 324) (Monument)
59250Parent of: Emergency Water Supply, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 325) (Building)
59087Parent of: Emergency Water Supply, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 80) (Building)
59027Parent of: ESA - Seat Arming Storage 4 Bay, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 21) (Building)
59240Parent of: ESA Crew Room, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 315) (Building)
59188Parent of: ESA Emergency Water Supply, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 235) (Building)
59241Parent of: ESA Garages, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 316) (Building)
59284Parent of: ESA Store, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 369) (Building)
59285Parent of: ESA Timber Storage Area, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 370) (Building)
59286Parent of: ESA Timber Storage Area, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 371) (Building)
59236Parent of: ESA Toilet Block, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 311) (Building)
59094Parent of: Eschelon H/Hardstanding, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 94) (Building)
59014Parent of: Explosive Storage Area Pyrotechnics Store, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 10) (Building)
59237Parent of: Explosive Storage Ignitors, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 312) (Building)
59301Parent of: Families Centre, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 389) (Building)
59242Parent of: Field Kitchen, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 317) (Building)
59093Parent of: Fighter Pen/Salvage Compound, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 93) (Building)
59307Parent of: Filby Road Gate, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 402) (Building)
59233Parent of: Fire and Crash Tender Bays, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 305) (Building)
59114Parent of: Fire Emergency Water Supply, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 114) (Building)
59272Parent of: Fire Prevention Office, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 357) (Building)
59105Parent of: Fire Section Store, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 105) (Building)
59198Parent of: First Line Accommodation, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 261) (Building)
59110Parent of: Flight Locker Room/Test House Crewroom, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 109a) (Building)
59108Parent of: Fuel Storage Tank (UEFT), Former RAF Coltishall (Building 108) (Building)
59025Parent of: Fuel yard, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 20) (Building)
59039Parent of: Gas decontamination block, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 29) (Building)
59158Parent of: Gas Pressure Reducing Station, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 193) (Building)
59113Parent of: Generator Fuel Tank, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 112) (Building)
59119Parent of: Glide Path Tower and Glide Path Building, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 135 and Building 240) (Building)
59056Parent of: Grocery Shop, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 45) (Building)
59072Parent of: GSES Toilet Block, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 63) (Building)
59098Parent of: Gymnasium and attached squash courts, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 100, Building 138 and Building 152) (Building)
59001Parent of: Hangar 1, former RAF Coltishall (Building 1) (Building)
59002Parent of: Hangar 2, former RAF Coltishall (Building 2) (Building)
59003Parent of: Hangar 3, former RAF Coltishall (Building 3) (Building)
59004Parent of: Hangar 4, former RAF Coltishall (Building 4) (Building)
59204Parent of: Hangar Boiler House, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 268) (Building)
59193Parent of: ILS Localiser Building, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 241) (Building)
59268Parent of: Intelligence Cell, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 349A) (Building)
59267Parent of: Jaguar Flight Simulator, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 349) (Building)
59269Parent of: Jaguar Simulator Boiler House, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 350) (Building)
59213Parent of: Jaguar Training School, No. 3 Hangar, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 280) (Building)
59280Parent of: Junior Ranks Mess Timber Storage Shed, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 365) (Building)
59107Parent of: Latrine, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 107) (Building)
59155Parent of: LITS Development Team, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 189) (Building)
59085Parent of: Lox Compound, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 78) (Building)
59018Parent of: Lubricants and Flammables Stores, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 13) (Building)
59122Parent of: Main Ops 41 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 140) (Building)
59148Parent of: Main Ops Cabin 54 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 181) (Building)
59141Parent of: Main Ops Cabin 6 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 171) (Building)
59159Parent of: MAS Building, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 195) (Building)
59116Parent of: MT Crewroom, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 117) (Building)
59207Parent of: MT Refueller Latrine, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 271) (Building)
59208Parent of: MT Refueller Office and Crew Room, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 272) (Building)
59223Parent of: MT Section, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 293) (Building)
59096Parent of: MT Workshop (Sicard Store), Former RAF Coltishall (Building 98) (Building)
59157Parent of: New Locker Drying 41 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 191) (Building)
59288Parent of: New Receiver Building and associated masts, Former RAF Coltishall (Buildings 375 and 415) (Building)
59229Parent of: No Break Set House, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 300) (Building)
59160Parent of: NUB2 Building, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 196) (Building)
59212Parent of: Oil Store, No. 3 Hangar, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 279) (Building)
59299Parent of: Ops Wing Portakabin, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 387) (Building)
59298Parent of: PACF (Propulsion and Components Flight) Storage Building, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 386) (Building)
59303Parent of: PACF Locker Room (Female Hut), Former RAF Coltishall (Building 396) (Building)
59303Parent of: PACF Locker Room (Female Hut), Former RAF Coltishall (Building 396) (Building)
59306Parent of: Packed POL Hazardous Store P/Built Structure, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 401) (Building)
59030Parent of: Packing case store, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 24) (Building)
59289Parent of: Paint Spray Facility, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 376) (Building)
59016Parent of: Photo Store, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 11) (Building)
59253Parent of: Photographic Waste Tank and hardstanding, Former RAF Coltishall (Buildings 328 and 329) (Building)
59131Parent of: Plant Wash Pan, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 150) (Building)
59257Parent of: POL Office Crew Room, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 336) (Building)
59270Parent of: Police Flight Office Accommodation, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 355) (Building)
59293Parent of: Portakabins, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 381) (Building)
59121Parent of: PPP Store, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 139) (Building)
59130Parent of: PRE Site, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 148) (Building)
59015Parent of: Pyrotechnics Store, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 10A) (Building)
59292Parent of: Quickway Warehouse, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 380) (Building)
59222Parent of: RAF Regiment Flight, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 292) (Building)
59259Parent of: Redundant Building, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 338) (Building)
59224Parent of: Refuelling Servicing Bay, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 294) (Building)
59126Parent of: Resources 41 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 144) (Building)
59150Parent of: Respirator test facility, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 183) (Building)
59151Parent of: Respirator test facility, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 184) (Building)
59123Parent of: Revetment Cabin 41 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 141) (Building)
59127Parent of: Revetment Cabin 41 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 145) (Building)
59128Parent of: Revetment Cabin 41 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 146) (Building)
59142Parent of: Revetment Cabin 54 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 175) (Building)
59143Parent of: Revetment Cabin 54 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 176) (Building)
59146Parent of: Revetment Cabin 54 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 179) (Building)
59147Parent of: Revetment Cabin 54 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 180) (Building)
59149Parent of: Revetment Cabin 54 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 182) (Building)
59135Parent of: Revetment Cabin 6 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 165) (Building)
59136Parent of: Revetment Cabin 6 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 166) (Building)
59140Parent of: Revetment Cabin 6 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 170) (Building)
58311Parent of: Ring ditch associated with the Precision Approach Radar at RAF Coltishall (Monument)
59097Parent of: Roller Brake Tester, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 99) (Building)
59029Parent of: Rugby club, formerly morgue, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 23) (Building)
59255Parent of: Runway Hydraulic Arrestor Gear (04 End), Former RAF Coltishall (Building 331B) (Monument)
59200Parent of: S & M Packaway building, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 264) (Building)
59020Parent of: Safety Equipment Section (Dinghy and parachute store), Former RAF Coltishall (Building 15) (Building)
59026Parent of: Scrap compound, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 20A) (Building)
59111Parent of: Seat Arming Storage Bay, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 110) (Building)
59278Parent of: Sergeants Mess Store, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 363) (Building)
59276Parent of: Sergeants Mess Timber Storage Shed, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 361) (Building)
59277Parent of: Sergeants Mess Timber Storage Shed, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 362) (Building)
59252Parent of: Site of Aircraft Fire Facility, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 327) (Monument)
59243Parent of: Site of Arrestor Net 04, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 318) (Monument)
59117Parent of: Site of Bader Barrack Block, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 118) (Monument)
59084Parent of: Site of Catering Store, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 76) (Building)
59308Parent of: Site of Colt Bowl, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 404) (Monument)
59189Parent of: Site of East wind sock, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 236) (Monument)
59295Parent of: Site of Prop Man Conference Centre, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 383) (Monument)
59129Parent of: Site of Replacement Precision Approach Radar, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 147 and Building 476) (Monument)
59139Parent of: Site of revetment Cabin 6 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 169) (Monument)
59254Parent of: Site of Runway Hydraulic Arrestor Gear (22 End), Former RAF Coltishall (Building 331A) (Monument)
59238Parent of: Small Arms Training Cabin, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 313) (Building)
59190Parent of: South-west wind sock, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 237) (Monument)
59199Parent of: Squadron Line Hut, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 262) (Building)
59124Parent of: Standby Ops 41 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 142) (Building)
59137Parent of: Standby Ops 6 Sqn, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 167) (Building)
59005Parent of: Station Armoury, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 5) (Building)
59279Parent of: Station Gymnasium Timber Storage Shed, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 364) (Building)
59022Parent of: Station Workshops and Mechanical Components Flight, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 17 and 17A) (Building)
59245Parent of: Storage Igloo, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 320) (Monument)
59246Parent of: Storage Igloo, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 321) (Monument)
59247Parent of: Storage Igloo, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 322) (Monument)
59182Parent of: Store, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 230) (Building)
59040Parent of: Store, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 30) (Building)
59076Parent of: Stores, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 67) (Building)
59217Parent of: Supply Squadron Bulk Store, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 286) (Building)
59221Parent of: Supply Store, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 291) (Building)
59228Parent of: Swimming Pool and Boiler House - Enroachment, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 298) (Building)
59104Parent of: TACAN (Tactical Air Navigation), Former RAF Coltishall (Building 104 and 134) (Building)
59092Parent of: Technical Latrine, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 88) (Building)
59017Parent of: Technical Stores and Portacabin, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 12 and 12B) (Building)
59183Parent of: Telescramble Building, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 231) (Building)
59234Parent of: Telescramble South, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 306) (Building)
59120Parent of: TIALD Building Adjacent to EES Workshop, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 137) (Building)
59220Parent of: TIF Chemical Store, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 289) (Building)
59057Parent of: Toilet adjacent to Hangar 3, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 47) (Building)
59191Parent of: Toilet Block, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 238) (Building)
59012Parent of: Toilet Block, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 9) (Building)
59013Parent of: Toilet Block, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 9A) (Building)
59210Parent of: Transmitter Building, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 275) (Building)
59296Parent of: Transmitter Building, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 384) (Building)
59261Parent of: Tubular Steel Lattice Tower, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 342) (Building)
59262Parent of: Tubular Steel Lattice Tower, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 343) (Building)
59263Parent of: Tubular Steel Lattice Tower, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 344) (Building)
59264Parent of: Tubular Steel Lattice Tower, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 345) (Building)
59265Parent of: Tubular Steel Lattice Tower, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 346) (Building)
59266Parent of: Tubular Steel Lattice Tower, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 347) (Building)
59275Parent of: UETF Locker and Crew Room, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 360) (Building)
59274Parent of: UETF Office Accommodation, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 359) (Building)
59219Parent of: Waste Avtur Store, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 288) (Building)
59218Parent of: Waste Oil Tanks, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 287) (Building)
59302Parent of: Watchman Radar and Cabin, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 390 and 391) (Building)
59302Parent of: Watchman Radar and Cabin, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 390 and 391) (Building)
59023Parent of: Water Tower, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 18) (Building)
59010Parent of: Weapons Training Cell, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 7) (Building)
59109Parent of: Workshop Engine Testing/Aircraft Test Compressor Room, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 109) (Building)
59019Parent of: Workshop/Theatre and battery charging bay, Former RAF Coltishall (Buildings 14 and 14A) (Building)
59162Parent of: WRAF Barrack Block (Hanbury), Former RAF Coltishall (Building 202B) (Building)
59161Parent of: WRAF Barrack Block (Salmond), Former RAF Coltishall (Building 202A) (Building)
59134Parent of: Yardmaster in MT yard, Former RAF Coltishall (Building 162) (Building)

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