Record Details

NHER Number:42823
Type of record:Monument
Name:Tacolneston Transmitter


Tacolneston Transmitter is a 150m high radio and television mast. It was built in 1956, replacing a temporary structure constructed the previous year. The mast was one of the first VHF radio masts built by the BBC and it is reported that during construction work a JCB excavator was used for the first time in Norfolk. Television transmissions began in 1966 and the mast was later shared with commercial television companies. The surrounding buildings are later in date.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TM 13055 95727
Map Sheet:TM19NW

Full description

150m (500 foot) high mast constructed 1956 replacing a temporary structure of the previous year; said to have been the first use of a JCB excavator in Norfolk. One of the first VHF radio masts constructed by the BBC. From 1966 television transmissions were also made. The mast was later shared with commercial television companies. The surrounding buildings are of later date.
(S1) in file.
E. Rose (NLA), 7 January 2006.

January 2008.
This mast is to be replaced by a new guyed mast in order to support switchover to digital services.
See (S2) and (S3) for further details.
H. Hamilton (NLA), 02 May 2008.

Monument Types

  • BROADCASTING TRANSMITTER (Mid 20th Century to 21st Century - 1956 AD to 2100 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

---Secondary File: Secondary File.
<S1>Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2006. Mast dominates the skyline, 50 years on. 4 January.
<S2>Unpublished Document: National Grid Wireless Ltd. 2008. Nation Grid Wireless Transmitting Station, Highpark Wood, New Road, Tacolneston, Noroflk, NR16 1DW, Digital Switchover PRoject. Written statement in support of application incorporating the design and access statements..
<S3>Unpublished Document: National Grid Wireless Ltd. 2008. Tacolneston Transmitter Mast: Proposed new mast and DTT building.

Related records - none

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