Record Details

NHER Number:42378
Type of record:Monument
Name:Possible post medieval wildfowl pond


An undated sub-rectangular pond with a central island is visible as an earthwork on aerial photographs. Its date and function are uncertain, but its general appearance suggests that it is probably post medieval, while the central island is characteristic of wildfowl ponds visible in the surrounding area, albeit of modern date.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TG 4528 2204
Map Sheet:TG42SE

Full description

January 2006. Norfolk NMP.
A sub-rectangular pond with a central island is visible as an earthwork on aerial photographs (S1), (S2), (S3) and (S4), centred at TG 4529 2204. Its date and function are unknown. A post medieval date seems likely for the site, as the earthwork appears to be relatively well defined. Certainly, it is likely to pre-date World War Two as it is visible on photographs taken in 1943 (S1). It might perhaps have been a wildfowl pond, the central island serving as a refuge from predators for the birds. Similar but larger ponds of post-World War Two date are visible on the edges of Winterton Dunes, several kilometres to the east of the site, such as that at TG 4816 2139. Alternatively, it might simply have been a stock pond, or dug for drainage purposes, or for extraction. Its relationship with the woodland shown as occupying this site on the Ordnance Survey 2nd edition 25 inch map (S5) is not known.
S. Tremlett (NMP), 6 January 2006.

Monument Types

  • EXTRACTIVE PIT? (Unknown date)
  • POND (Unknown date)
  • EXTRACTIVE PIT? (Post Medieval to 21st Century - 1540 AD to 2100 AD)
  • POND (Post Medieval to 21st Century - 1540 AD to 2100 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status


Sources and further reading

<S1>Vertical Aerial Photograph: RAF. 1943. RAF AC/161 5147-8 04-JAN-1943 (NMR).
<S2>Vertical Aerial Photograph: RAF. 1945. RAF 106G/UK/832 3201-2 23-SEP-1945 (NMR).
<S3>Vertical Aerial Photograph: RAF. 1946. RAF 106G/UK/1634 4051-2 09-JUL-1946 (NHER TG 4621C & TG 4421C).
<S4>Vertical Aerial Photograph: Ordnance Survey. 1981. OS/81029 092-3 22-JUN-1981.
<S5>Map: Ordnance Survey. 1902-7. Ordnance Survey second edition 25" (1902-7) Sheet XLII. 13. 25" to 1'.

Related records - none

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