Record Details

NHER Number:27457
Type of record:Monument
Name:Possible Neolithic long barrow or mortuary enclosure


An elongated oval enclosure, possibly the remains of a small Neolithic long barrow or mortuary enclosure, is visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs. The presence of a Bronze Age barrow cemetery (NHER 27342) nearby suggests this area was also significant at a later date.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TG 4824 1627
Map Sheet:TG41NE

Full description

May 2005. Norfolk NMP.
An oval or sub rectangular enclosure is visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs (S1), centred at TG 4825 1627. The form of the enclosure is broadly comparable to that of Neolithic long barrows and/or mortuary enclosures identified both in Norfolk (e.g. NHER 38485) and elsewhere e.g. (S2). The fact that it is located in close proximity to a Bronze Age round barrow cemetery (NHER 27342) and a possible Neolithic oval barrow (NHER 27458) reinforces this interpretation of the site. In addition, it may be respected by (and therefore must pre date) elements of a Bronze Age field system (NHER 27338).

The enclosure is only partially visible but appears to be broadly rectangular in shape, with notably curved ends and corners. It measures approximately 22.5m long and 15.5m wide.
S. Tremlett (NMP), 26 May 2004.

Monument Types

  • OVAL ENCLOSURE (Unknown date)
  • LONG BARROW? (Neolithic - 4000 BC to 2351 BC)
  • MORTUARY ENCLOSURE? (Neolithic - 4000 BC to 2351 BC)
  • OVAL ENCLOSURE (Neolithic - 4000 BC to 2351 BC)
  • RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURE (Neolithic - 4000 BC to 2351 BC)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status


Sources and further reading

<S1>Vertical Aerial Photograph: RAF. 1964. RAF 58/6522 (F22) 0043-4 01-OCT-1964 (NMR).
<S2>Article in Serial: Jones, D. 1998. Long barrows and Neolithic Elongated Enclosures in Lincolnshire: An Analysis of the Air Photographic Evidence. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society. Vol 64 pp 83-114.

Related records - none

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