Record Details

NHER Number:38282
Type of record:Monument
Name:Probable medieval ridge and furrow


Four areas of ridge and furrow close to Bayfield Hall are visible on aerial photographs taken in 1990. They are probably medieval in date.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TG 04864 40304
Map Sheet:TG04SW

Full description

March 2003. Norfolk NMP.
Two areas of ridge and furrow are next to Bayfield lake (on the southwest side). These are clearly visible on NLA 1990 aerial photographs (S1). They are probably medieval in date as they are fairly broad in appearance and this area became parkland associated with Bayfield Hall (NHER 6176) during the post medieval period. (The parkland is recorded under NHER 30493). These two areas are adjacent to each other, but the ridge and furrow lies in different directions (at right angles). The northern area is centred at NGR TG 0467 4038, and is about 280m by 120m (maximum) in size. The southern area is centred at NGR TG 0483 4022. It is about 170m by 170m in size.
The other two areas can be determined on NLA 1983 aerial photographs (S2). These are located on the other side of the lake to the south of the hall. The first area seems quite clear and is centred at NGR TG 0505 4041. It is about 130m by 130m in size. The next area is less certain, but does seem relatively clear on at least one of the photographs. It is centred at NGR TG 0495 4035, and is about 170m by 110m. Again these would seem likely to be of medieval date.
H. Clare (NMP), 15 May 2003.

October 2013. Field visit
The two areas of possible ridge and furrow to the southwest of Bayfield Lake were explored. No ridge and furrow earthworks survive.
D. Robertson (HES), 15 May 2015.

Monument Types

  • RIDGE AND FURROW (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status


Sources and further reading

<S1>Aerial Photograph: 1990. SMR TG 0440P-S (NLA 275/GEP6-9) 01-AUG-1990 (SMR).
<S2>Aerial Photograph: 1983. SMR TG 0540F-H (NLA 129/ASJ9-11) 30-MAR-1983 (SMR).

Related records - none

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