Record Details

NHER Number:33781
Type of record:Monument
Name:Eastern region radar headquarters and regional seat of government


This bunker site was the regional headquarters for the radar early warning air defence system during the Cold War. In 1968 it became the regional seat of government site which would have been used in the event of a nuclear strike. It was closed in 1992 and is now privately owned.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TG 1648 0808
Map Sheet:TG10NE

Full description

Regional Seat of Government bunker.
Cold War 1950s; six levels deep.
Built as Eastern Region radar headquarters and only became the Seat of Government bunker when the former was moved to Neatishead. [2] was employed there at the time.
E. Rose (NLA), 27 August 1998 and 20 January 1999.

Monument Types

  • REGIONAL SEAT OF GOVERNMENT (Cold War - 1945 AD to 1992 AD)
  • NUCLEAR BUNKER (Mid 20th Century to Late 20th Century - 1950 AD to 1992 AD)
  • RADAR STATION (Mid 20th Century to Late 20th Century - 1950 AD to 1992 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 1999. Bunker mentality and a lasting mystery. 20 January.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2011. Bonkers about bunkers from a former MAD Cold War world. 19 March.
---Secondary File: Secondary File.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 1994. Safe as houses, but it's a hole. 25 February.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 1999. Down in the secret bunker. 30 January.

Related records - none

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