Record Details

NHER Number:2766
Type of record:Monument
Name:Medieval moat and fishpond


A rectangular medieval moat, which has medieval fishponds on the moated island. Fragments of 16th century stone were found within the moat, although there are now no traces of any building.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TF 9671 0635
Map Sheet:TF90NE

Full description

Moat (OS).
'An Elizabethan carved stone fragment was found in a pond adjoining a moat at Letton', see (S1).
E. Rose (NAU)

The remains of a rectangular moat, with three internal fish ponds ranged along the northeast arm.
The outer bank of the southeast ditch is much reduced and incorporated in a hedgerow.
No building remains were identified.
NAR Records.
R. J. Rickett, (NAU) 21 August 1990

Ditches deep.
Banks supporting majestic old oak trees.
Southeast ditch now visible as depression and fishponds filled in, as interior of site now under plough.
Possibility of owner entering a Stewardship Scheme, with interior reverting to pasture.
H. Paterson (A&E) 9 March 1999.

September 2001. Scheduled.
Scheduling description:
The monument includes a medieval moated site and fishponds located immediately west of Park Villas. The moat lies close to the northern edge of the former parish of Letton, now part of Cranworth. In 1086 there were three separate land holdings in Letton in the possession of William de Schohies, William of Warenne and Hermer of Ferrers. The land holdings were further subdivided in the 12th century producing a complex pattern of land ownership. The moated platform or island is rectangular in plan, measuring 100m north west - south east by 65m and is raised about 0.5m above the surrounding ground level. A sub-rectangular fishpond is located on the island, adjacent and parallel to the north eastern arm of the moat. The partly water-filled fishpond measures approximately 40m by 8m and 1m deep. Situated at the south east end of the pond are two shallow depressions on the same alignment, each measuring about 8m in length. The depressions mark further parts of the fishpond system, depicted on early Ordnance Survey maps, and these will survive as buried features. The ponds are separated from the north east moat arm by a bank 3m in width and standing approximately 0.5m high. The moat enclosing the island measures up to 10m in width and is visible as water-filled arms, at least 2m deep, on the north west and north east sides of the island. The north eastern arm formerly extended beyond the north corner of the moat. This extension, also shown on early Ordnance Survey maps, measures approximately 10m in length and will survive as a buried feature. The south western arm of the moat is marked by a linear hollow, measuring up to 1m deep, which is partly infilled at the southern end. The south eastern arm of the moat is visible as a linear depression, about 8m wide and 0.4m deep. The infilled portions of the moat will survive as buried features.
All fence posts are excluded from the scheduling, although the ground beneath them is included.
Information from (S2) and (S3).
D. Gurney (NLA), 23 January 2002.

Monument Types

  • FISHPOND (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • MOAT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • MOAT (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)

Associated Finds

  • ARCHITECTURAL FRAGMENT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • ARCHITECTURAL FRAGMENT (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)

Protected Status

  • Scheduled Monument

Sources and further reading

---Record Card: Ordnance Survey Staff. 1933-1979?. Ordnance Survey Record Cards. TF 90 NE 1.
---Record Card: NAU Staff. 1974-1988. Norfolk Archaeological Index Primary Record Card.
---Record Card: Clarke, R. R. and NCM Staff. 1933-1973. Norwich Castle Museum Record Card - Medieval. Cranworth.
---Secondary File: Secondary File.
<S1>Monograph: Bryant, J.. 1900. Norfolk Churches..
<S2>Designation: English Heritage. 1990-2013. English Heritage Scheduling Notification. Notification. DNF418.
<S3>Designation: English Heritage. 1994? -2011?. English Heritage Digital Designation Record. Record. DNF418.

Related records - none

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