Record Details

NHER Number:15291
Type of record:Monument
Name:Site of post medieval brick and tile works


A 19th century brick and tile works is shown on Ordnance Survey maps of 1883. A survey of the works in 1980 identified Suffolk kilns and drying and moulding sheds. The first recorded brick maker here was Benjamin Perowne in the mid 19th century. It was closed during the Second World War. The site is now a camp site.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TG 0047 3307
Map Sheet:TG03SW

Full description

Brick and tile works.
19th century? Not on (S1), though he shows kiln to north, but on (S2).
E. Rose (NAU), 17 September 1979.

(S3) contains drawings of Suffolk kilns now in a camp site, and a long interview with a former owner. He remarks there was much iron slag in an adjacent meadow. (S4) 1980 records other buildings. Drying and moulding sheds etc. First recorded brickmaker here was Benjamin Perowne, mid 19th century. Owned by Guntons 1890 to 1940. Reopened 1947 to 1965, large modern moulding shed built. Now a camp site.

See also NIAS records (S5)
W. Arnold (HES) 06/12/2010

Monument Types

  • BRICKWORKS (19th Century to Mid 20th Century - 1883 AD? to 1963 AD)
  • TILE WORKS (19th Century to Mid 20th Century - 1883 AD? to 1963 AD)

Associated Finds


Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

---Record Card: NAU Staff. 1974-1988. Norfolk Archaeological Index Primary Record Card.
---Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 1997. [Photograph of Barney brickworks from the early 1950s]. 5 February.
---Article in Serial: Fisher, C. 1979. Barney Brickworks - a brief report. CBA Group VI Bulletin. No 25 pp 5-6.
---Secondary File: Secondary File.
---Fiche: Exists.
<S1>Publication: Faden, W. and Barringer, J. C. 1989. Faden's Map of Norfolk in 1797.
<S2>Map: Ordnance Survey. 1883. Ordnance Survey first edition 25 inch (1880's ?) map. OS.
<S3>Unpublished Document: Norfolk Industrial Archaeology Society records.
<S4>Unpublished Document: Norfolk Industrial Archaeology Society. Norfolk Industrial Archaeology Society Survey.
<S5>Archive: NIAS. Norfolk Industrial Archaeology Society Records.

Related records - none

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