Bowl barrow

A bowl barrow is a roughly hemispherical mound of prehistoric date comprising turf, soil, and redeposited bedrock, and covering one or more burials contained within wooden or stone structures. Bowl barrows are typically between about 3m and 40m in diameter, from 0.3m to over 6m high, and were constructed as anything from an almost random accumulation of soil and stone through to a structured arrangement involving kerbs, and internal subdivisions. The tradition of building and using bowl barrows began in the early Neolithic period around 3000 BC and continued through until Late Bronze Age times. The peak of bowl barrow construction was during the late Neolithic and early Bronze Age (2400 to 1500 BC).

Three Halfpenny Hill, a Bronze Age round barrow on Salthouse Heath

Three Halfpenny Hill, a Bronze Age bowl barrow on Salthouse Heath. (© NCC)

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