Photograph of Lewis Davies' Edingthorpe Church page from his Pilgrimage Book. (© L. Davies.)
The Artists' Pilgrimage
Lewis Davies
The Pilgrimage that my wife and I are making from Bromholm to Walsingham is an interest that we started 3 years ago, visiting the sites along a line drawn on the map and researching anything of interest on the way. We are working on books with photographs, drawings and paintings, mostly in the churches which are sometimes the only buildings showing where remote villages still exist.
Within the last year or so I have become increasingly interested in the local Norfolk churches. They are set in often quite remote situations, and quietly dominate the landscape.
The play of light and shade on flinty walls gives strong textural surfaces and, against often grey skies, a silvery and ghostly appearance.
Using watercolour and inks I can translate these effects into my work to make dramatic compositions, trying always to give an intense and dynamic feeling to the images of these beautiful buildings.
I have become particularly interested in these churches and painted a series of those nearest Cromer - not especially because they are churches but for the way these sculptural shapes fitted into the landscape and seem to be growing out of it.
34, St Marys Road, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 9DJ
01263 514573

Lewis Davies' 'Pilgrimage Book' inspired by Edingthorpe Church. (© L. Davies.)
Edingthorpe, All Saints' Church, NHER