Record Details

NHER Number:9039
Type of record:Monument
Name:Possible site of post medieval brick kiln


In 1970 a late 19th century brick kiln was reportedly found at this location. However, during a meeting with the landowner in 1978 they claimed not to known anything about the kiln, nor to have ever recovered any finds from here. It is possible that this reported kiln in fact relates to the one in East Wretham (NHER 12660). However, there does appear to be a brick kiln depicted in this location on Bryant’s 1826 map of Norfolk, and a series of earthwork ditches are also visible here which have been recorded separately (NHER 57439) but may relate to a brick kiln.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TL 975 912
Map Sheet:TL99SE

Full description

Late 19th century brick kiln found, with white and red bricks.
Rough plan in Bridewell.
Information from [1].
Transcribed from NCM card.

2 August 1978. Site visit by E. Rose (NAU).
Farmer, though he owned the land at that date, knows nothing of this and says he has never found anything on the spot. Field under crop - no trace seen. [1] says she does not remember this, and no bricks in Bridewell. She thinks it is possible that a local report of site NHER 12660 perhaps mistakenly confused with her report of East Wretham kiln.
E. Rose (NAU).

October 2012. Norfolk NMP.
Earthworks of ditches are visible on aerial photographs to the south of The Grange, Shropham, and have been recorded separately (NHER 57439) as they may relate to medieval to post medieval enclosures, although they may equally represent activity such as a brick kiln at this site.
E. Ford (NMP), 17 October 2012.

Monument Types

  • BRICK KILN (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

---Record Card: NAU Staff. 1974-1988. Norfolk Archaeological Index Primary Record Card.
---Record Card: Clarke, R. R. and NCM Staff. 1933-1973. Norwich Castle Museum Record Card - Post-Medieval. Shropham.

Related records

57439Related to: Earthworks of possible enclosures, possible post medieval brick kiln (Monument)

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