Record Details

NHER Number:52426
Type of record:Monument
Name:Site of possible Bronze Age round barrow


A possible ring ditch is visible as a vegetation mark and possibly as a slight earthwork on aerial photographs within Horsford Heath plantation area, and the dispersed barrow cemetery (NHER 52449). The vegetation marks are not entirely convincing, and may not be archaeological in nature, but due to the fact that there are several other Bronze Age barrows in the vicinity, and that a possible round barrow was recorded, but never confirmed, 20m to the north east (NHER 7775), this feature has been mapped and recorded, albeit with a note of caution, as it is only visible on two sets of photographs, and rather differently on each one.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TG 1918 1799
Map Sheet:TG11NE

Full description

November 2009. Norfolk NMP.
A possible ring ditch is visible as a vegetation mark on aerial photographs (S1), and possibly as a slight earthwork (S2), centred on TG 1918 1799, within Horsford Heath plantation area, and the dispersed barrow cemetery (NHER 52449).
The ditch encloses an area of 13m internally, and is approximately 1m in width. There may be a possible entrance, or 6m wide break in the ditch on the southern side.
The vegetation marks are not entirely convincing, and may not be archaeological in nature, but due to the fact that there are several other Bronze Age barrows in the vicinity, and that a possible round barrow was recorded, but never confirmed, 20m to the north east (NHER 7775), this feature has been mapped and recorded, albeit with a note of caution, as it is only visible on two sets of photographs, and rather differently on each one.
E. Bales (NMP), November 2009.

Monument Types

  • RING DITCH? (Unknown date)
  • RING DITCH? (Bronze Age - 2350 BC? to 701 BC?)
  • ROUND BARROW? (Bronze Age - 2350 BC? to 701 BC?)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status


Sources and further reading

<S1>Vertical Aerial Photograph: Ordnance Survey. 1969. OS/69251 117-8 13-JUN-1969 (NMR).
<S2>Vertical Aerial Photograph: Meridian Airmaps Limited. 1971. MAL 71020 080-81 11-APR-1971 (NMR).

Related records

52449Part of: Horsford Barrow cemetery (Landscape)
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