Record Details

NHER Number:49323
Type of record:Monument
Name:Possibly Iron Age or Roman square enclosure


The cropmarks of a small square enclosure of unknown date and origin are visible on aerial photographs to the north of Plumsgate Road, Sutton. It is possible that this enclosure represents the remains of an Iron Age or Roman square barrow or similar funerary monument.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TG 38173 22672
Map Sheet:TG32SE

Full description

March 2007. Norfolk NMP.
The cropmarks of a small square enclosure of unknown definite date and origin are visible on aerial photographs to the north of Plumsgate Road, Sutton (S1). It is possible that this enclosure represents the remains of an Iron Age or Roman square barrow or similar funerary monument. The site is centred on TG 3817 2267.

The enclosure is 8m across and has two causeways at the northern and southern corners, the other two corners are rounded. The shape and size of this enclosure is reminiscent of other square-ditched enclosures interpreted as possible Iron Age square barrows or similar funerary monuments. Although the exact chronology and function of these sites is a matter of debate.

To the immediate southwest of the enclosure is a L-shaped ditch (recorded within NHER 49311). This appears to be aligned along the same axis as the enclosure and the two features could therefore be related or contemporary. The ditch is located within an area of fragmentary fields of unknown, but possible late prehistoric to Roman date, but does not appear to be of the same date to the majority of the fields.
S. Massey (NMP), 30 March 2007.

Monument Types

  • SQUARE ENCLOSURE? (Unknown date)
  • SQUARE BARROW? (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD?)
  • SQUARE ENCLOSURE (Early Iron Age to Roman - 800 BC to 409 AD?)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status


Sources and further reading

<S1>Vertical Aerial Photograph: Ordnance Survey. 1994. OS/94172 052-3 14-JUN-1994.

Related records - none

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