Record Details

NHER Number:46489
Type of record:Building
Name:43 Earls Street


This property now serves as a house and a shop. It dates to the mid 19th century and is built from flint with gault brick dressings and a pantile roof. The plate-glass shop window date to the middle of the 19th century. To the right is a loading bay with a pedestrian door beneath a first-floor loading door.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TL 87128 83229
Map Sheet:TL88SE

Full description

House and shop. Mid 19th century. Pebbles and flint with gault brick dressings and pantile roof. Two storeys. Mid 19th century plate-glass shop front and half-glazed door. First floor with a canted bay fitted with 2/2 sash windows. To right is one sash window each floor, 1/1 to ground floor and 6/6 above. Loading bay to right with a pedestrian door beneath a first-floor loading door, the former under a segmental arch. Gabled roof with internal gable-end chimneystack to north and south. Rear with 20th century fenestration and a two-storey extension.
Information from (S1).
A. Cattermole (NLA), 28 August 2006.

Monument Types

  • HOUSE (19th Century to 21st Century - 1850 AD to 2100 AD)
  • SHOP (19th Century to 21st Century - 1850 AD to 2100 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status

  • Listed Building

Sources and further reading

<S1>Designation: English Heritage. National Heritage List for England.

Related records - none

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