Record Details

NHER Number:46398
Type of record:Building
Name:8, White Hart Street


8 White Hart Street has its origins in the 16th century, but the building that is now visible dates to the early 19th century when it was converted to a shop and house. It is built from flint and some clunch, with brick dressings and a 19th century gault brick façade. To the right of the façade is an early 19th century bowed shop front with seven panes in five tiers. The two storey building has a black-glazed pantile roof and two early 18th century first floor sash windows at the rear. The building is now a shop and offices.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TL 8693 8321
Map Sheet:TL88SE

Full description

March 1971. Listed, Grade II.
Listing Description Excerpt:
"8 White Hart Street.
House, now shop and offices. Origins probably 16th century but now early 19th century and later. Façade early 19th century. Flint, some clunch and brick dressings. Gault brick façade. Roof of pantiles, black-glazed to façade. Two storeys."
Information from (S1).
Please consult the National Heritage List for England (S1) for the current listing details.
Amended E. McDonald (HES), 11 November 2019.

Monument Types

  • HOUSE (Medieval to 18th Century - 1500 AD to 1799 AD?)
  • HOUSE (18th Century to 19th Century - 1800 AD? to 1900 AD?)
  • SHOP (18th Century to 21st Century - 1800 AD? to 2100 AD)
  • OFFICE (Mid 20th Century to 21st Century - 1950 AD? to 2100 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status

  • Listed Building

Sources and further reading

<S1>Designation: English Heritage. National Heritage List for England. List Entry 1219258.

Related records - none

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