Record Details

NHER Number:43060
Type of record:Building
Name:Painswhin House


A mid 18th century brick farmhouse with later alterations.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TF 85308 26321
Map Sheet:TF82NE

Full description

January 1984. Listed, Grade II.
Mid 18th century farmhouse. Rendered brick with black glazed pantiled roof. Garden front of 2 storeys and 3 bays.
See (S1) for the complete listing details.
A. Cattermole (NLA), 31 January 2006.

Monument Types

  • FARMHOUSE (18th Century to 21st Century - 1750 AD to 2100 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status

  • Listed Building

Sources and further reading

<S1>Designation: English Heritage. National Heritage List for England. List Entry 1171996.

Related records - none

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