Record Details

NHER Number:27301
Type of record:Monument
Name:Possible inter-tidal structure or trackway


A possible inter-tidal trackway or post-built structure of unknown date is visible on aerial photographs exposed by the scour on the beach at Sea Palling after the 1953 floods. These linears roughly continue the alignment of the existing trackway ‘Mill Lane’ heading to the coast from Sea Palling village. It is therefore possible that this feature represents a former extension of this trackway, which has since been lost to coastal erosion.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TG 43343 27219
Map Sheet:TG42NW

Full description

September 2005. Norfolk NMP.
A possible inter-tidal trackway or post-built structure of unknown date may be visible on aerial photographs, exposed by the scour on the beach at Sea Palling after the 1953 floods. (S1). The site is centred on TG 4333 2721. The possible trackway appears to consist of two parallel linear features, around 3.5m apart and 40m long, which may represent wooden or post built structures poking out of the exposed beach surface. These linears run from approximately TG 4333 2719 to TG 4336 2722. An additional possible linear feature runs from TG 4333 2722 to TG 4331 2724. It is also possible that the parallel linears are former groyne components or may actually represent an earlier trackway. These linears roughly continue the alignment of the existing trackway ‘Mill Lane’ heading to the coast from Sea Palling village. It is therefore possible that this feature represents a former extension of this trackway, which has since been lost to coastal erosion. This would compare well with the types of features exposed to the west on Eccles beach (NHER 8346 and 7), where medieval roads and tracks have been identified on the beach after scour events. Other possible linear features have been recorded within exposed underlying peats, see NHER 27322 for discussion, also NHER 27294 and 27302 for similar features.
S. Massey (NMP), 28 September 2005.

Monument Types

  • LINEAR FEATURE (Unknown date)
  • POST BUILT STRUCTURE? (Unknown date)
  • TRACKWAY (Medieval to 19th Century - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
  • GROYNE? (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

<S1>Vertical Aerial Photograph: RAF. 1953. RAF 540/1005 0157-8 04-FEB-1953 (NMR) SNF57850 S1 Vertical Aerial Photograph RAF, 1953, RAF 540/1005 0154-5 04-FEB-1953 (NMR).

Related records - none

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