Record Details

NHER Number:41248
Type of record:Building
Name:Old Forge, 3 The Green


This house used to be a blacksmith's house and forge, with outlying smithy buildings. It is early 19th century in date and has three bays and two storeys, but is not symmetrical. Construction is mainly of galletted carrstone blocks with a pantile roof. Where the forge is attached, much rougher carrstone rubble with some reused limestone is used. Smithy buildings to the east are constructed from various stonework materials. Unfortunately the actual smithy itself has collapsed or been demolished.


  • The Old Forge, North Runcton, an early 19th century blacksmith's house and forge, with outlying smithy buildings.  © Norfolk County Council


Grid Reference:TF 64575 15843
Map Sheet:TF61NW

Full description

On north side of village green, the old forge and smithy.
House of three bays two storeys, but not symmetrical. Space left of left hand bay wider than that right of right hand bay on south front. Galletted carrstone blocks. Windows, and central doorway, in brick with horizontal skintlings. Ground floor windows have arches embraced by quoins. Head of door remade and window frames replaced. Pantile roof with internal gable stacks. West gable has tumbling, and window above later brick shed. North wall with later brick extensions, otherwise of similar build with one small first floor window. East gable of blocks at top but below, where forge is attached, much rougher carrstone rubble with some reused limestone. Plaque illegible. To east, smithy buildings have north wall of carstone bocks, carrstone and brick south wall with some reused limestone. Interior of house has central wide stair in line with door, room to each side. Stairs fork for two steps each way to first floor, where there is an additional room over entrance; 19th century firegrate in west wall. Smithy has collapsed (perhaps demolished). The building dates to the early 19th century.
See photo (S1) in file.
E. Rose (NLA) 17 March 2005.

Monument Types

  • PLAQUE (Unknown date)
  • BLACKSMITHS WORKSHOP (19th Century to 21st Century - 1900 AD to 2100 AD)
  • HOUSE (19th Century to 21st Century - 1900 AD to 2100 AD)

Associated Finds

  • ARCHITECTURAL FRAGMENT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

---Secondary File: Secondary File.
<S1>Photograph: Unknown. 2005. [unknown].

Related records - none

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