Record Details

NHER Number:27954
Type of record:Monument
Name:Undated cropmark enclosures/features/pits


A complex series of undated anomalies including a D-shaped enclosure, linear features and pits are visible as cropmarks on 1992 aerial photographs. These features were formerly recorded under NHER 30857.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TF 64471 16945
Map Sheet:TF61NW

Full description

Formerly recorded under NHER 30857.

23 July 1992. NLA aerial photograph.
Earthworks of enclosures and linear features - pipeline through centre.
D. Edwards (NLA) 1994.

May 2003. NMP.
A complex series of undated anomalies including a D-shaped enclosure, linear features and pits are visible as cropmarks on 1992 Norfolk Landscape Archaeology aerial photographs (S1). These features were formerly recorded under NHER 30857.
All of the features appear as lighter cropmarks against a darker background but almost certainly represent negative features such as ditches and pits. At the approximate centre of the site is an approximately D-shaped enclosure (centre: TF 6446 1699), with a maximum north-west to south-east length of 50m and a maximum width of 33m (S1). There is a possible entrance within the south-east side. There are four possible pits within the enclosure and a series of fragmentary linear features, which share the same alignment as the enclosure ditches and may be contemporary internal dividing features. There are linear features within the immediate environs of the enclosure that share the same alignment and are almost certainly contemporary with it, including a linear feature running parallel with the north-east side of the enclosure forming an apparent track or droveway. The enclosure and its associated ditches are not easily datable and while a later prehistoric or Roman period date seem most likely, it may equally be considerably later.
The remainder of the area has a series of linear features aligned in approximately east to west, north to south, north-west to south-east length and north-east to south-west directions (S1). These are likely to represent two separate systems of field boundaries and drainage features. One of these may be contemporary with the enclosure, while the other (north to south and east to west) is unlikely to be.
Within the south-east arm of the area are a series of relatively large trapezoidal and sub-rectangular features. Some of these features may be caused by geologically natural phenomena, although they may also represent the sites of former localised mineral or gravel extraction pits.
M. Brennand (NMP), 27 May 2003.

Monument Types

  • ENCLOSURE (Unknown date)
  • EXTRACTIVE PIT? (Unknown date)
  • LINEAR FEATURE (Unknown date)
  • PIT? (Unknown date)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status


Sources and further reading

---Aerial Photograph: Edwards, D.A.. 1992. TF 6416A-P 23-JUL-1992.
<S1>Aerial Photograph: 1992. SMR TF 6416L (NLA 315/GMG13) 23-JUL-1992.

Related records - none

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