Record Details

NHER Number:26763
Type of record:Monument
Name:Post medieval sea defence bank


A length of bank with associated ditches is visible as an earthwork running close to the coast. The feature is probably a sea defence bank, possibly dating to the 19th century.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TF 7269 4435
Map Sheet:TF74SW

Full description

January 2001. NMP.
A length of bank with associated ditches, in somewhat fragmentary form, is visible as an earthwork running for c. 1km close to the coast at TF 7203 4445 - TF 7333 4426 on 1945 APs (S1). Only the far western end of the bank is visible as an earthwork on 1971 APs (S2). The central section has been ploughed out by 1971, while the eastern part of the bank is just about visible as an earthwork in the saltmarshes. The loaction of the bank and its fragmentary appearance (it has been breached by water courses in two places) would suggest that it was a former attempt at building a sea defence to reclaim land. This is supported by the fact that in the 1971 AP, land which the bank and ditch formerly ran across has now been brought into cultivation. As to the date of the feature, it is difficult to be certain. The bank had been breached by 1945, so it must be at least early 20th century, if not earlier. Feature NHER 26749 may represent a continuation of this feature to the north-west.

Although not marked as a feature on the 2nd edition OS map (S3), the line of the ditches alongside the bank can be seen. The wide ditch which curves around the north-west end of the feature also appears to be shown, as a marshy area. The map gives the impression that this feature had already gone out of use, as the channels leading in from the sea, which apparently breeched the defence, are in existence. The feature does not appear on the 1st edition OS map (S4). The date of the sea defence may thus be late 19th century, but this is by no means certain.
May be part of a larger sea defence containing NHER 26749 and 26899.
A. Hunt (NMP), 24 January 2001.

Monument Types

  • SEA DEFENCES (Post Medieval to 21st Century - 1540 AD to 2100 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status


Sources and further reading

<S1>Vertical Aerial Photograph: RAF. 1945. RAF 106G/UK 369 Frames 4275-4277 8-JUN-1945 (NMR).
<S2>Aerial Photograph: Fairey Surveys Ltd. 1971. (Fairey Surveys Ltd) 7181 Frame 5674 06-SEP-1971.
<S3>Map: Ordnance Survey. 1905. OS 2nd Edition 25" 1905 Sheets I.14 & I.15.
<S4>Map: Ordnance Survey. 1824-27. OS 1st Edition 1" 1824-1827 Sheet 508.

Related records

26899Related to: Earthworks of post medieval sea defences (Monument)
26749Related to: Probable post medieval and/or modern sea defence banks (Monument)

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