--- | Monograph: Coad, J. G. 1977. Excavation at Castle Acre, Norfolk, 1972-1976. An interim report. Chateau Gaillard: Etudes de Castellologie medievale. Volume VIII. pp. 79-86. |
--- | Aerial Photograph: see file. |
--- | Serial: 1974. Council for British Archaeology Group 7 Bulletin of Archaeological Discoveries for 1974. No 21. p 3. |
--- | Serial: 1975. Council for British Archaeology Group 7 Bulletin of Archaeological Discoveries for 1975. No 22. p 5. |
--- | Designation: [unknown]. Ancient Monuments Form. SAM Record. DNF204. |
--- | Unpublished Document: Paterson, H.. 2001. BT Works at Castle Acre 2001. |
--- | Aerial Photograph: Edwards, D.A. (NLA). 1994. TF 8115AGF - AGG. |
--- | Aerial Photograph: Edwards, D.A. (NLA). 1997. TF 8115AGT. |
--- | Aerial Photograph: Edwards, D.A. (NLA). 1996. TF 8115AGH - AGP. |
--- | Unpublished Document: Paterson, H.. 2002. Watching Brief Report. |
--- | Record Card: Ordnance Survey Staff. 1933-1979?. Ordnance Survey Record Cards. TF 81 NW 7 [7]. |
--- | Record Card: NAU Staff. 1974-1988. Norfolk Archaeological Index Primary Record Card. |
--- | Article in Serial: Cherry, J.. 1985. Castles of the Conqueror.. British Museum Society Bulletin. No 49. |
--- | Newspaper Article: 1982. Eastern Daily Press. 23 March. |
--- | Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 1985-1986. [Articles and letters to the editor on the fencing placed at Castle Acre Castle by English Heritage]. |
--- | Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 1999. Hero Harry gets mum out of a hole. 25 June. |
--- | Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2008. A reminder of our rich heritage. 20 August. |
--- | Monograph: Pevsner, N and Wilson, B. 1999. Norfolk 2: North-West and South. The Buildings of England. 2nd Edition. pp 248-251. |
--- | Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2010. The second Norman invasion. 28 July. |
--- | Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 2010. Explore west to find our treasure. 1 November. |
--- | Serial: 1959. Council for British Archaeology Group 7 Bulletin of Archaeological Discoveries for 1959. No. 6. p 3. |
--- | Record Card: Clarke, R. R. and NCM Staff. 1933-1973. Norwich Castle Museum Record Card - Medieval. Castle Acre [3]. |
--- | Article in Serial: Sutermeister, H. 1972. Castle Acre. Norfolk Research Committee Newsletter and Bulletin. Series 2 No 9 p 15. |
--- | Secondary File: Secondary File. |
--- | Oblique Aerial Photograph: Edwards, D.. 1991. NHER TF 8115/AEN/Z3 (EDWARDS), 10-DEC-1991. |
--- | Photograph: CBY 23, 25. CBH 12, CBY 19-21. JM 3-6, CRL, CRM, FHW 32-36. |
--- | Unpublished Report: Cushion, B. 2000. Castle Acre Castle SMR 3449. |
--- | Newspaper Article: Eastern Daily Press. 1977. Tudor skull unearthed on castle dig. 11 August. |
--- | Newspaper Article: Norfolk monkey business. |
--- | Collection: Norfolk Historic Environment Record Staff. 1975-[2000]. HER Record Notes. Norfolk Historic Environment Service. |
--- | Designation: English Heritage. 1990-2013. English Heritage Scheduling Notification. Notification. DNF204. |
--- | Designation: English Heritage. 1994? -2011?. English Heritage Digital Designation Record. Record. DNF204. |
--- | Illustration: [Unknown]. [Unknown]. Drawing of a medieval iron door hinge. Paper. 2:1. |
--- | Illustration: [Unknown]. [Unknown]. Drawing of a medieval copper alloy binding strip. Paper. 2:1. |
--- | Illustration: [Unknown]. [Unknown]. Drawing of a medieval copper alloy binding strip. Paper. 2:1. |
--- | Illustration: [Unknown]. [Unknown]. Drawing of a medieval decorated bone comb fragment. Paper. 2:1. |
--- | Illustration: [Unknown]. [Unknown]. Drawing of a medieval bone needle. Paper. 2:1. |
--- | Illustration: [Unknown]. [Unknown]. Drawing of a medieval bird-bone pipe. Paper. 2:1. |
--- | Illustration: [Unknown]. [Unknown]. Drawing of a medieval chalk incised 'Merrels' or 'Nine Men's Morris' board. Paper. 2:1. |
--- | Illustration: [Unknown]. [Unknown]. Drawing of a medieval perforated chalk block (?weight). Paper. 2:1. |
<S1> | Unpublished Document: Heywood, S. Castle Acre Castle, Bailey Street, Castle Acre, King's Lynn, Norfolk. |
<S2> | Article in Serial: Coad, J. and Streeten, A. D. F. 1982. Excavations at Castle Acre Castle, Norfolk, 1972 to 1977: Country House and Castle of the Norman Earls of Surrey. The Archaeological Journal. Vol 139 pp 138-301. |
<S3> | Article in Serial: Coad, J., Streeten, A.D.F. and Warmington, R.. 1987. Excavations at Castle Acre Castle, Norfolk, 1975-1982. The Bridges, Lime Kilns, and Eastern Gatehouse.. The Archaeological Journal. Vol 144 pp 256-307. vol 144, pp 256-308. |
<S5> | Monograph: Liddiard, R.. 2000. Landscapes of lordship: Norman castles and the countryside in medieval Norfolk, 1066-1200.. pp 28-31, 44-45. |
<S6> | Unpublished Contractor Report: Hobbs, B. 2008. An Archaeological Watching Brief at Castle Acre Castle, Castle Acre, Norfolk. NAU Archaeology. 2007. |
<S7> | Slide: Various. Slide. 52-69. |
<S8> | Article in Serial: Gurney, D. and Hoggett, R. 2009. Excavations and Surveys in Norfolk in 2008. Norfolk Archaeology. XLV Part IV pp 570-578. p 572. |
<S9> | Monograph: Cushion, B. and Davison, A. 2003. Earthworks of Norfolk. East Anglian Archaeology. No 104. p 165. |
<S10> | Unpublished Document: Norfolk County Council. 2009-2010. Norfolk Monuments Management Project Section 17 agreement. |
<S11> | Illustration: Unknown. Sketch plan of the Castle Acre site.. Film. |
<S12> | Record Card: Clarke, R. R. and NCM Staff. 1933-1973. Norwich Castle Museum Record Card - Neolithic. Castle Acre. |
<S13> | Archive: R. Jacobi. -. Jacobi Archive. 10178. |
<S14> | Article in Serial: Gurney, D. and Penn, K. (eds). 2001. Excavations and Surveys in Norfolk 2000. Norfolk Archaeology. XLIII Pt IV pp 707-728. p 710. |
<S15> | Unpublished Document: Norfolk County Council. 2014-15. Norfolk Monuments Management Project Section 17 agreement. |
<S16> | Unpublished Contractor Report: Leigh, D. J. 2008. An archaeological watching brief during the installation of replacement information boards at Castle Acre Castle, Castle Acre, Norfolk, June 2008. Northamptonshire Archaeology. 08/184. |
<S17> | Unpublished Contractor Report: Trimble, G. 2019. Land Adjacent Lime Kiln Cottage, Cuckstool Lane, Castle Acre, Norfolk. Informative Trial Trenching as Part of a Programme of Archaeological Mitigatory Work. Witham Archaeology. 316. |