Record Details

NHER Number:31206
Type of record:Monument
Name:Post medieval hospital, Hawes Green


This is the site of a former hospital. The dispensary here was founded in 1771 by William Fellowes of Shotesham Park with Benjamin Gooch as the first surgeon. It led to the foundation of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Other houses in the hamlet are stated to be the nurses' home, doctor's house, asylum and dairy but this information has not been substantiated. Many of the buildings have been rebuilt over the years.

Images - none


Grid Reference:TM 2395 9913
Map Sheet:TM29NW

Full description

Former hospital.
Stated to be the first cottage hospital in Britain founded 1771 by William Fellowes of Shotesham Park with Benjamin Gooch as first surgeon; led to the foundation of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. No details on how much of the original building survives. Other houses in the hamlet are stated to be nurses' home, Doctors house, asylum and dairy but it is not known how reliable this information is; some of these buildings have been rebuilt.
See letter from source in file.
E. Rose (NLA) 2 June 1995.

This was not strictly a cottage hospital as that term is reserved for the late 19th century movement. The difference is explained in reference (S1) where this building is classified as a Dispensary.
E. Rose (NLA) 22 April 1999.

Monument Types

  • HOSPITAL (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)

Associated Finds - none

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

---Secondary File: Secondary File.
<S1>Publication: 1998. English Hospitals 1600-1948. 1.

Related records - none

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