Record Details

NHER Number:30969
Type of record:Find Spot
Name:Multi-period finds, Humphreys Close, Humphreys Corner Field


Metal-detecting in 1994 and 2013 recovered Late Iron Age/Roman, Roman, medieval and post-medieval coins as well as Late Saxon to medieval/post-medieval metal objects. The metal finds include a Late Saxon/medieval stirrup strap mount and a stirrup; medieval dress accessories a harness pendant, a lead spindle whorl and an unfinished lead cross on a rough disc, possibly the sort of object buried with plague victims and a medieval/post-medieval button and a copper alloy vessel fragment.


  • Late Saxon stirrup from NHER 30969  © Norfolk County Council


Grid Reference:TG 09 26
Map Sheet:TG02NE

Full description

March-April 1994. Metal-detecting. Context 1.
One medieval coin. See list in file.
Identified by J. Davies (NCM).
A. Rogerson (NLA), 3 October 1994.

September-October 1994. Metal-detecting. Context 2 extending area to west.
?Medieval unfinished lead rough cast cross on rough disc (casting debris not yet removed from cross. Possibly the sort of thing buried with plague victims).
Identified by S. Margeson (NCM).
A. Rogerson (NLA), 4 November 1994.

February 2013-March 2013. Metal-detecting. Site extended to the whole field. [2].
3 medieval coins.
Information from PAS import.
Includes finds from the NMD Club Rally on 3 March 2013.
A. Beckham (HES), 4 April 2013.

3 March 2013 2013. Metal-detecting. NMD club rally. [3].
1 Late Iron Age/Roman coin.
2 Roman coins.
1 Late Saxon/early medieval stirrup strap mount.
4 medieval coins, harness pendant, buckle, harness belt or strap mount, strap mount and lead spindle whorl.
Medieval/post-medieval copper alloy vessel leg or handle and button.
1 post-medieval coin.
Information from PAS import.
The artefacts were recovered from [4] and the coins from an area centred on [5].
See finder's map.
A. Beckham (HES), 14 March 2013.

Monument Types

  • FINDSPOT (Late Iron Age to Roman - 100 BC to 409 AD)
  • FINDSPOT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • FINDSPOT (Late Saxon - 851 AD to 1065 AD)
  • FINDSPOT (Late Saxon to Medieval - 851 AD to 1539 AD)
  • FINDSPOT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • FINDSPOT (Medieval to 19th Century - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
  • FINDSPOT (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)

Associated Finds

  • COIN (Late Iron Age to Roman - 41 AD to 260 AD)
  • COIN (Roman - 269 AD to 274 AD)
  • COIN (Roman - 293 AD to 296 AD)
  • STIRRUP (Late Saxon to Medieval - 1000 AD to 1100 AD)
  • COIN (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • DISC (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • PERSONAL ORNAMENT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • HARNESS PENDANT (Medieval - 1100 AD to 1200 AD)
  • SPINDLE WHORL (Medieval - 1200 AD to 1400 AD)
  • COIN (Medieval - 1205 AD to 1207 AD)
  • COIN (Medieval - 1218 AD to 1236 AD)
  • BUCKLE (Medieval - 1250 AD to 1400 AD)
  • COIN (Medieval - 1280 AD to 1281 AD)
  • COIN (Medieval - 1282 AD to 1289 AD)
  • COIN (Medieval - 1282 AD to 1289 AD)
  • STRAP FITTING (Medieval - 1300 AD to 1400 AD)
  • STRAP FITTING (Medieval to 16th Century - 1300 AD to 1600 AD)
  • VESSEL (Medieval to 17th Century - 1300 AD to 1700 AD)
  • COIN (Medieval - 1320 AD to 1333 AD)
  • COIN (Medieval - 1363 AD to 1369 AD)
  • BUTTON (Medieval to 16th Century - 1500 AD to 1600 AD)
  • COIN (16th Century - 1553 AD to 1554 AD)

Protected Status - none

Sources and further reading

---Photograph: I & RS. Digital finds image.
---Map: Finder's Map..
---Secondary File: Secondary File.

Related records - none

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