Record Details
NHER Number: | 28738 |
Type of record: | Find Spot |
Name: | Multi-period metal objects and coins |
Extensive metal detecting here from 1991-2005 has recovered a huge number of multi-period metal objects and coins. Finds of note included a medieval horse harness pendant in the shape of a bird, a Middle/Late Saxon stylus, a Seleucid coin, a Late Bronze Age socketed axe fragment, a post medieval Norwich farthing token and a Nuremberg jetton.
Images - none
Grid Reference: | TF 84 12 |
Map Sheet: | TF81SW |
Full description
November 1991. Metal detector finds.
Three medieval coins.
1. John 4b/4c 1194-1205 moneyer FULKE London. Silver penny.
2. Edward I (1272-1307) London mint, sterling imitation of silver penny.
3. as 2) but Canterbury mint.
Identifications by J. A. Davies (NCM).
D. A. Gurney (NLA) 9 December 1991.
1992. Metal detector finds.
La Tene II Nauheim derivative brooch. Polaroid in file.
Edward I penny, Canterbury mint 1272-1307. See list in file.
Identifications by J. Davies (NCM) 17 November 1992.
W. Milligan (NCM) 11 November 1992.
However D. Mackreth says the Nauheim brooch is a Drahtfibel derivative AD 1-90.
1993. Metal detector finds.
Bronze protected loop terret.
Lead pot mend ?Roman.
Two halfpenny coins.
French jetton, Nuremberg jetton, Norwich farthing token and soldino.
See list in file. Identifications by J. Davies (NCM) 20 October 1993.
Rear hook brooch dating to around AD 40-60/65.
Polaroid in file. Identification by D. Mackreth, 1993.
W. Milligan (NCM) 19 August 1994.
1995. Metal detector finds.
Late Bronze Age socketed axe fragment. Surface badly corroded/eroded.
Bronze fragment - looks ancient but part of what?
Medieval mount, central rivet hole, rocker-arm border and 'star'.
Early post medieval hooked tag, 'rosette' in low relief.
Post medieval spur terminal and attachment stud.
Drawing and Polaroid in file.
W. Milligan (NCM) 30 April 1996.
November 1997. Metal detecting. NCM Enquiry No: E0877.
One Roman and one medieval coin.
One medieval horse harness pendant.
One medieval horse harness bar mount.
?Suspension ring, Bronze Age, Roman or Early Saxon
See lists in file.
Also 1997. NCM Enquiry No: E0877. One medieval coin.
A. Rogerson (NLA) 17 March 2000.
1998. Metal detecting. NCM enquiry No: E06888.
HMG identified:
Norwich farthing token. Obverse: A Norwich farthing 1667. Reverse: Arms of Norwich, see for comparison Williamson no 225.
Rectangular medieval buckle plate, slightly tapering from a wider hinge to a narrower open end. Broken at hinge and with one rivet hole at open end. Decorated with a border of ?triangle punchmarks.
Medieval ring, cast Ae, hexagonal in section, with file marks on the bevelled edges. Could have had a variety of functions.
K. Sussams (NCM) 20 April 1999.
1999. Metal detecting. NCM Enquiry No: E1243.
One medieval coin.
Medieval/Post medieval and undatable metal objects.
See list in file.
A. Rogerson (NLA) 23 June 2000.
Before June 2000. Metal detecting.
Middle Saxon or Late Saxon Ae pin or possibly stylus. See description by T. Pestell (NCM) in file.
Medieval coin.
Medieval and post medieval metal finds.
See lists in file.
A. Rogerson (NLA) 26 February 2002.
Before October 2003. Metal detecting.
One post medieval coin.
?Late Saxon and medieval metal finds.
See lists in file.
A. Rogerson (NLA) 3 January 2004.
Before 22 January 2004. Metal detecting.
One Seleucid copper alloy coin. ?Roman period loss.
One medieval metal object.
See lists in file.
A. Rogerson (NLA) 9 April 2004.
Before December 2004. Metal detecting.
Medieval bar mount strap fitting.
See lists in file.
A. Rogerson (NLA) 2 March 2005.
Before March 2005.
One medieval coin, post medieval jetton and strap fitting.
See lists in file.
A. Rogerson (NLA) 27 May 2005.
Before 27 May 2005. Metal detecting.
Two medieval coins.
See lists in file.
A.Rogerson (NLA) 27 July 2005.
Monument Types
- FINDSPOT (Unknown date)
- FINDSPOT (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)
- FINDSPOT (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD)
- FINDSPOT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- FINDSPOT (Early Saxon - 410 AD to 650 AD)
- FINDSPOT (Middle Saxon - 651 AD to 850 AD)
- FINDSPOT (Late Saxon - 851 AD to 1065 AD)
- FINDSPOT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- FINDSPOT (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
Associated Finds
- RING (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)
- SOCKETED AXEHEAD (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)
- BROOCH (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD)
- BROOCH (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- COIN (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- COIN (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- HARNESS (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- POT (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- RING (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- RING (Early Saxon - 411 AD to 650 AD)
- PIN (Middle Saxon - 651 AD to 850 AD)
- STYLUS (Middle Saxon - 651 AD to 850 AD)
- DRESS FASTENER (DRESS) (Late Saxon - 851 AD to 1065 AD)
- PIN (Late Saxon - 851 AD to 1065 AD)
- STYLUS (Late Saxon - 851 AD to 1065 AD)
- BUCKLE (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- BUCKLE (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- COIN (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- COIN (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- COIN (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- DRESS FASTENER (DRESS) (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- HARNESS (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- HARNESS PENDANT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- KEY (LOCKING) (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- RING (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- SPINDLE WHORL (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- STRAP FITTING (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- STRAP FITTING (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- TOKEN (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- BUCKLE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- COIN (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- DRESS COMPONENT (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- FURNITURE FITTING (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- SPUR (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- TOKEN (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- TOKEN (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
Protected Status - none
Sources and further reading
--- | Illustration: Finds Illustrations. |
--- | Photograph: I & RS. Digital finds image. |
--- | Photograph: NCC Find Identification and Recording Service. c. 1975-2000. HES Find Polaroid Collection. HES Find Polaroid Collection. polaroid. black and white. |
--- | Secondary File: Secondary File. |
Related records
41766 | Related to: Roman brooches and Early Saxon tweezers (Find Spot) |
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