Record Details
NHER Number: | 21848 |
Type of record: | Monument |
Name: | Undated cropmarks and possible Bronze Age ring ditch |
Aerial photography in 1981 and 1986 recorded the cropmarks of linear features, enclosures and a possible ring ditch.
Images - none
Grid Reference: | TG 128 248 |
Map Sheet: | TG12SW |
Full description
14 September 1981. Aerial photography. At approx grid reference "cropmarks" noted on CUCAP list of aerial photographs.
E. Rose (NAU), 22 October 1985.
At corrected grid reference. Complex of linear and enclosure cropmarks.
D. Edwards (NAU), 10 December 1985 and E. Rose (NAU), 8 September 1987.
17 July 1986. Air photography extends site to east across roads and reveals trackways and a possible ring ditch within original area.
E. Rose (NAU).
September-November 2008. Trial Trenching.
Evaluation of site on proposed route of Sheringham Shoals Offshore Windfarm Grid Connection cable Two trenches excavated to the west of the road (Trenches 116 and 117) revealed ten ditches on varying alignments, at least some of which presumably correspondend with the cropmarks recorded at this location (although this was not confirmed). These features were mostly of uncertain date, although their varied alignments suggest that several phases of past activity were represented. The small number of finds recovered and the limited available stratigraphic evidence suggests some were probably of medieval to post-medieval date.
See report (S1) and NHER 63447 for further details.
P. Watkins (HES), 14 June 2019.
September-November 2008. Geophysical Survey.
Magnetometer survey of site on proposed route of Sheringham Shoals Offshore Windfarm Grid Connection cable (Area 9).
This survey of a relatively narrow strip to the west of the road identified linear anomalies likely to represent a series of north-east to south-west and south-east to north-west aligned ditches.
Report awaited. See (S2) and NHER 63447 for further details.
P. Watkins (HES), 14 June 2019.
2009-2010. Watching Brief.
Monitoring of topsoil stripping and other groundworks associated with installation of the Sheringham Shoals Offshore Windfarm Grid Connection cable.
It appears that no additional remains were observed during this phase of work.
Report awaited. See (S2) and NHER 63447 for further details.
P. Watkins (HES), 14 June 2019.
Monument Types
- ENCLOSURE (Undated)
- RING DITCH (Undated)
- SITE (Undated)
- SITE (Undated)
- TRACKWAY (Undated)
- RING DITCH (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)
Associated Finds - none
Protected Status - none
Sources and further reading
--- | Aerial Photograph: TG1225 C-G; TG1324 E-F; TG 1325 A. |
--- | Record Card: NAU Staff. 1974-1988. Norfolk Archaeological Index Primary Record Card. |
<S1> | Unpublished Contractor Report: Hickling, S. 2010. Archaeological Evaluations along the route of the Sheringham Shoals Offshore Windfarm Grid Connection. NAU Archaeology. 1808b. |
<S2> | Unpublished Contractor Report: Hickling, S. 2010. An Archaeological Evaluation, Excavation and Watching Brief along the route of the Sheringham Shoals Offshore Windfarm Grid Connection. Assessment Report and Updated Project Design. NAU Archaeology. 1808c. |
Related records - none
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